Invasive and cancer stem cell phenotypes of MCAM expressing cells. (A) Invasion signature score (sInv) of the sEMTlow, sEMTmed and sEMThigh populations. (B) Cancer stem cell score (sCSC) of the sEMTlow, sEMTmed and sEMThigh populations. For (A,B), the graphs show the mean and standard deviation. Statistical analysis was performed using an unpaired, two-tailed Mann Whitney test; ****p < 0.0001, ns is not significant. (C) Mean sInv and sCSC of the sEMTlow, sEMTmed and sEMThigh populations further sub-divided according to MCAM gene expression. Cells with no detectable MCAM expression were identified and then MCAM expressing cells were divided into two equal sized groups of MCAMlow or MCAMhigh cells. Spearman’s r for the data is shown. (D) Invasion signature score (sInv) and cancer stem cell score (sCSC) of the sEMThighMCAMlow sub-population (n = 83) compared to all other malignant cells (n = 24,406).