Figure 2.
(A) Resistance phenotype of the E. coli, Pseudomonas spp and Salmonella spp strains to the activities of the antibiotics tested and grouping according to the forms of resistance. (B) Resistance phenotype of S. aureus strains to the various antibiotics tested and grouping according to the forms of resistance. Form of resistance XDR.
Form of resistance MDR. S: the antibiotic had an activity on the bacterial strain; R: the antibiotic has no activity on the bacterial strain; I: In this case, antibiotic was also considered to have activity against the bacterial strain.
Abbreviations: ECKOS, E. coli from the Kossodo WWTP; ECYO, E. coli from CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo; ECBOG, E. coli from the University Hospital of Bogodogo; PSKOS, Pseudomonas spp from the Kossodo WWTP; PSYO, Pseudomonas spp from CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo; PSBOG, Pseudomonas spp from the Bogodogo University Hospital; SLKOS, Salmonella spp from the Kossodo WWTP; SLYO, Salmonella spp from CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo; SLBOG, Salmonella spp from the Bogodogo University Hospital; SAKOS, S. aureus from the Kossodo WWTP; SAYO, S. aureus from CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo; SABOG, S. aureus from Bogodogo University Hospital.