The LFS cohort. A, Patient cohort and characteristics (age of first cancer onset, tumor type) by TP53 status and whether profiling was performed using WGS, methylation or both. AA = adrenal adenoma; ACC = adrenocortical carcinoma; ALL = acute lymphoid leukemia; CPC = choroid plexus carcinoma; CSA = chondrosarcoma; GCT = germ cell tumor; LMS = leiomyosarcoma; MFH = malignant fibrous histiocytoma; MFS = myxofibrosarcoma; NHL = non–Hodgkin lymphoma; OS = osteosarcoma; RMS = rhabdomyosarcoma. B, Lollipop plot displaying the location and number of SNVs and indels on the canonical TP53 transcript: NM_000546, which consists of a TAD, DBD, and tetramerization domain. TP53 hotspot variants present in our cohort (175, 245, 248, 273, 282) are highlighted.