A. Schematic of CRISPR-based targeting to generate Oxtr mutant prairie voles. Single cell embryos injected with Cas9-sgRNA ribonucleoprotein were cultured (1) to the blastocyst stage and transferred (2) to pseudopregnant recipient females who carried the embryos to term (3).
B. Schematic (top) of Oxtr locus encompassing first two exons. DNA sequence of WT and targeted Oxtr alleles. Dash/missing nucleotide represents a deletion (Oxtr4, Oxtr5) and red highlighted āCā (Oxtr1) is an insertion. PAM, protospacer adjacent motif.
C. Predicted amino acid sequence of WT Oxtr, Oxtr1, Oxtr4, and Oxtr5 (only first 100 amino acids shown).
See also Figure S1.