Population (P)
Studies in people < 18 years of age, studies that combined three age groups: children, adolescents, and adults, but did not but did not analyse the data explicitly for each group.
Exposure (E)
Outcome (O)
Studies on QoL and well-being of adults with DS using self-report and/or proxy reports.
Studies that combined children, family members/caregivers and adults with DS, but QoL data from adults with DS were collected and analysed separately.
Studies that combined IDD and DS but explicitly collected and analysed QoL data for adults with DS separately.
Study design
Quantitative (cross-sectional and cohort or longitudinal studies), qualitative (interviews, focus groups, case studies, image-based methods) and mixed methods studies.
Studies published in languages other than English due to a lack of resources for translating data.
Commentaries, abstracts only, conference proceedings, consensus statements, reviews, case reports, case series, dissertations, and articles on ethical or legal issues.