Figure 3. COPs inhibit cytokine release in human macrophages.
(A) Total cell lysates (TCL) from THP-1 cells expressing GFP control (Ctrl) or GFP-tagged CARD16, CARD17, and CARD18 were analyzed by immunoblot.
(B and C) Ctrl, CARD16, CARD17, CARD18, and CASP1KO THP-1 were primed with Pam3CSK4 (Pam) (1 μg mL−1, 4 h) and (B) treated with MSU crystals (180 μg mL−1, 6 h), silica (200 μg mL−1, 6 h), CPP (200 μg mL−1, 6 h), ATP (5 mM, 30 min), or nigericin (Nig) (5 μM, 45 min), or (C) transfected with flagellin (0.5 μg mL−1, 4 h), p(dA:dT) (1 μg mL−1, 4 h), FSL-1 (0.2 μg mL−1, 4 h), or p(I:C) (10 μg mL−1, 4 h), and SN were analyzed for secreted IL-1β, IL-18, and TNF by ELISA (n = 3, mean ± SD). *p < 0.05. The dotted line indicates that CASP1KO THP-1 are only present in the primed and activated treatment group. Untreated and primed control cells are the same for different treatment groups.