Fig. 1.
Hierarchical dissection of plasmodesmata immune responses reveals common signaling components. Relative GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (GFP) movement into neighboring cells following microprojectile bombardment. (A) flg22 reduces GFP movement to neighboring cells in Col-0 but not in rbohD (n ≥ 103 bombardment sites). (B) Chitin and flg22 reduce GFP movement to neighboring cells in Col-0 but not in pdlp5 (n ≥ 58 bombardment sites). (C) Chitin and flg22 reduce GFP movement to neighboring cells in Col-0 but not in cals1 (n ≥ 120 bombardment sites). SA reduces the movement of GFP to neighboring cells in Col-0, cml41 (D, n ≥ 119 bombardment sites) and lym2 (E, n ≥ 117 bombardment sites). (F) Chitin and flg22 reduce GFP movement to neighboring cells in Col-0 and ics1 (n ≥ 114 bombardment sites). (G) flg22 and SA reduce GFP movement into neighboring cells in Col-0, but not in pdlp1 (n ≥ 107 bombardment sites). Asterisks indicate statistical significance compared to the mock treatment within a genotype: *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001.