Conceptual graphical overview. Following CSD and employing the STST, the single Defeated group is stratified based on social avoidance development toward the threat-associated cue (conditioned learning of aversive cues). The single subgroup of avoiders is further stratified based on social avoidance development toward the safe cue (threat–safety discrimination). The Discriminating-avoiders do not display social avoidance toward the safe cue and thus are characterized by successful threat–safety discrimination as well as responsiveness to Social Avoidance Extinction Training (extinction of aversive memories). In line with research in humans, they express resilience after adversity. In contrast, the Indiscriminate-avoiders display social avoidance toward the safe cue and thus are characterized by aversive response generalization to safe stimuli as well as resistance to extinction, reflecting stress susceptibility. Finally, the Non-avoiders are characterized by an impaired ability to conditionally learn aversive cues, thus are out of the “resilience susceptibility” spectrum.