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. 2023 May 2;9(3):00051-2023. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00051-2023


Baseline patient characteristics

CURB-65 hospital PSI hospital No-consensus hospital Total
Total patients 21 157 (41.5) 17 279 (33.9) 12 548 (24.6) 50 984 (100)
Female patients 10 096 (47.7) 8019 (46.4) 5947 (47.4) 24 062 (47.2)
Age years 72 (60–81) 72 (60–81) 72 (61–82) 72 (60–81)
Age range years
18–49 years 2838 (13.4) 2184 (12.6) 1493 (11.9) 6515 (12.8)
50–64 years 4185 (19.8) 3469 (20.1) 2458 (19.6) 10 112 (19.8)
65–74 years 5083 (24.0) 4203 (24.3) 3008 (24.0) 12 294 (24.1)
75–84 years 5500 (26.0) 4471 (25.9) 3339 (26.6) 13 310 (26.1)
>85 years 3551 (16.8) 2952 (17.1) 2250 (17.9) 8753 (17.2)
SES score
Quartile 1 5020 (23.7) 6219 (36.0) 3299 (26.3) 14 538 (28.5)
Quartile 2 6011 (28.4) 4166 (24.1) 3716 (29.6) 13 893 (27.2)
Quartile 3 5533 (26.2) 3861 (22.4) 2973 (23.7) 12 367 (24.3)
Quartile 4 4593 (21.7) 3033 (17.6) 2560 (20.4) 10 186 (20.0)
History of neoplastic disease# 3849 (18.2) 3212 (18.6) 2192 (17.5) 9253 (18.1)
Liver disease# 292 (1.4) 229 (1.3) 134 (1.1) 655 (1.3)
Congestive heart failure# 1993 (9.4) 1764 (10.2) 1279 (10.2) 5036 (9.9)
Cerebrovascular disease# 1574 (7.4) 1285 (7.4) 923 (7.4) 3782 (7.4)
Chronic renal disease# 1153 (5.5) 997 (5.8) 635 (5.1) 2785 (5.5)
Cardiovascular disease 4250 (20.1) 3716 (21.5) 2559 (20.4) 10 525 (20.6)
Pulmonary disease+ 4048 (19.1) 3455 (20.0) 2468(19.7) 9971 (19.6)
Diabetes mellitus§ 3713 (17.6) 3278 (19.0) 2285 (18.2) 9276 (18.2)
Immunocompromisedƒ 576 (2.7) 515 (3.0) 367 (2.9) 1458 (2.9)
Neurological disease## 457 (2.2) 403 (2.3) 288 (2.3) 1148 (2.3)
HIV infection 66 (0.3) 32 (0.2) 15 (0.1) 113 (0.2)
Treated at pulmonology department 15 051 (71.1) 12 387 (71.7) 8905 (71.0) 36 343 (71.3)
Treated at teaching hospital 12 796 (60.5) 10 722 (62.1) 5075 (40.4) 28 593 (56.1)
Main clinical outcomes
Admission 16 331 (77.2) 13 807 (79.9) 10 230 (81.5) 40 368 (79.2)
ICU admission 1869 (8.8) 1395 (8.1) 1077 (8.6) 4341 (8.5)
30-day mortality 1827 (8.6) 1682 (9.7) 1119 (8.9) 4628 (9.1)

Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range). PSI: Pneumonia Severity Index; SES: socioeconomic status; ICU: intensive care unit. #: as defined by Fine et al. [4]; : see appendix for the specific diagnosis treatment combination healthcare product (DTC) codes; +: DTC code COPD, asthma or cystic fibrosis; §: DTC code diabetes mellitus type 1 or type 2 or the use of at least one type of diabetes medication in the year prior to the pneumonia DTC, or both; ƒ: DTC code of transplantation recipients or auto-immune disease (see appendix), and the use of at least one immunosuppressant in the year prior to the pneumonia DTC; ##: DTC code Parkinson's disease, ALS, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis or other neuromuscular disease.