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. 2023 May 1;80(6):634–641. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.0932

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Study Patients.

Characteristic Total (N = 328 080) RA status Serologic status of RA
No (n = 273 400) Yes (n = 54 680) P value SMD SNRA (n = 15 670) SPRA (n = 39 010) P value SMD
Age, mean (SD), y 58.6 (10.1) 58.6 (10.1) 58.6 (10.1) >.99 0 57.8 (10.0) 58.9 (10.1) <.001 .114
40-64 233 166 (71.1) 194 305 (71.1) 38 861 (71.1) 11 629 (74.2) 27 232 (69.8)
≥65 94 914 (28.9) 79 095 (28.9) 15 819 (28.9) 4041 (25.8) 11 778 (30.2)
Male 82 404 (25.1) 68 670 (25.1) 13 734 (25.1) >.99 0 4189 (26.7) 9545 (24.5) <.001 .052
Female 245 676 (74.9) 20 4730 (74.9) 40 946 (74.9) 11 481 (73.3) 29 465 (75.5)
<25% + Medicaid group 76 983 (23.5) 64 191 (23.5) 12 792 (23.4) .67 .002 12 161 (77.6) 29 727 (76.2) <.001 .033
>25% 251 097 (76.5) 209 209 (76.5) 41 888 (76.6) 3509 (22.4) 9283 (23.8)
Smoking status
Never-smoker 260 705 (79.5) 217 978 (79.7) 42 727 (78.1) <.001 .039 12 198 (77.8) 30 529 (78.3) <.001 .010
Ex-smoker + <20 pack-y 18 910 (5.8) 15 676 (5.7) 3234 (5.9) .008 1161 (7.4) 2073 (5.31) .086
Ex-smoker + ≥20 pack-y 13 298 (4.1) 10 613 (3.9) 2685 (4.9) .050 824 (5.3) 1861 (4.8) .022
Current smoker + <20 pack-y 17 404 (5.3) 14 633 (5.4) 2771 (5.1) .013 772 (4.9) 1999 (5.1) .009
Current smoker + ≥20 pack-y 17 763 (5.4) 14 500 (5.3) 3263 (6.0) .029 715 (4.6) 2548 (6.5) .086
Alcohol consumption
None 235 686 (71.8) 193 905 (70.9) 41 781 (76.4) <.001 .125 11 755 (75.0) 30 026 (77.0) <.001 .046
Mild (<30 g/d) 81 076 (24.7) 69 654 (25.5) 11 422 (20.9) .109 3454 (22.0) 7968 (20.4) .040
Heavy (≥30 g/d) 11 318 (3.5) 9841 (3.6) 1477 (2.7) .051 461 (2.9) 1016 (2.6) .021
Physical activity
None 261 247 (79.6) 216 594 (79.2) 44 653 (81.7) <.001 .062 12 588 (80.3) 32 065 (82.2) <.001 .048
Regular 66 833 (20.4) 56 806 (20.8) 10 027 (18.3) 3082 (19.7) 6945 (17.8)
Body mass indexa
<18.5 9324 (2.8) 7237 (2.7) 2087 (3.8) <.001 .066 517 (3.3) 1570 (4.0) <.001 NA
18.5-22.9 127 102 (38.7) 104 475 (38.2) 22 627 (41.4) .065 6145 (39.2) 16 482 (42.3)
23.0-24.9 83 076 (25.3) 69 736 (25.5) 13 340 (24.4) .026 3844 (24.5) 9496 (24.3)
25.0-29.9 95 980 (29.3) 81 260 (29.7) 14 720 (26.9) .062 4501 (28.7) 10 219 (26.2)
≥30.0 12 598 (3.8) 10 692 (3.9) 1906 (3.5) .023 663 (4.2) 1243 (3.2)
Diabetes 43 809 (13.4) 36 418 (13.3) 7391 (13.5) .218 .006 2251 (14.4) 5140 (13.2) <.001 .039
Hypertension 128 345 (39.1) 105 349 (38.5) 22 996 (42.1) <.001 .072 6984 (44.6) 16 012 (41.1) <.001 .062
Dyslipidemia 109 338 (33.3) 90 641 (33.2) 18 697 (34.2) <.001 .022 5869 (37.5) 12 828 (32.9) <.001 .004
Chronic kidney disease 23 184 (7.1) 18 465 (6.9) 4719 (8.6) <.001 .070 1501 (9.6) 3218 (8.3) <.001 .057
Myocardial infarction 2101 (0.6) 1490 (0.5) 611 (1.1) <.001 .063 189 (1.2) 422 (1.1) .21 .055
Stroke 1935 (0.6) 1422 (0.5) 513 (0.9) <.001 .049 162 (1.0) 351 (0.9) .14 .035
Depression 23 804 (7.3) 16 111 (5.9) 7693 (14.1) <.001 .275 2429 (15.5) 5264 (13.5) <.001 .071

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; SMD, standardized mean difference; SNRA, seronegative rheumatoid arthritis; SPRA, seropositive rheumatoid arthritis.


Measured as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.