Table 1.
Study | Age/sex | Risk factors | Symptoms | Treatment | Site of metastasis |
Outcome/ weeks |
Kulaga et al., 2007 | 83/F | RT/14 years | micro- hematuria | TURB | Peritoneum | DOD/12 |
Abbasov et al., 2011 | 51/M | NA | Hematuria | RCP | Peritoneum | DOD/5 |
Wang et al., 2016 | 79/M | RT/6 years | Hematuria | TURB + RCP | NA | DOD/20 |
Tynski et al., 2017 | 69/M | RT/ 5 years | Ascites | chemotherapy (docetaxel plus gemcitabine) |
Ascites | DOD/6 |
Nizam et al., 2018 | 57/M | NA | Hematuria, and painful voiding | PC | Rectus abdominis muscle, and bone | DOD/12 |
Panwar et al., 2022 | 70/M | RT/10 | NA | NA | NA | NA |
RCP, radical cystoprostatectomy; RT, radiotherapy; TURB, transurethral resection of the bladder; NA, not available, PC, Partial cystectomy, DOD, dead of disease.