Weekly releases were simulated in a randomly-mixing population of 10,000 adult mosquitoes using the MGDrivE simulation framework2 and parameters described in Table S10. Population suppression outcomes were identified as being most sensitive to model parameters describing the release scheme, male fertility and female viability (Supplementary Fig. 12). A These parameters were varied in factorial experiments assessing suppression outcomes including probability of elimination (the percentage of 60 stochastic simulations that result in Ae. aegypti elimination), and window of protection (the time duration for which ≥50% of 60 stochastic simulations result in ≥90% suppression of the Ae. aegypti population). Female viability was varied between 0 (complete inviability) and 0.15, male fertility was varied between 0 (complete sterility) and 0.15, release size was varied between 0 and 500 eggs released per wild adult, and the number of weekly releases was varied between 0 and 52. Regions of parameter space for which the probability of elimination exceeds 90% are depicted in purple, and in which the window of protection exceeds two years in light blue. Time-series of population dynamics for select parameter sets are depicted in a-h. Here, the total female population is denoted in red, and the Cas9-carrying female population is denoted in blue. The light blue shaded region represents the window of protection. Imperfect female inviability and male sterility result in lower probabilities of elimination; however the window of protection lasts for several years for male fertility and female viability in the range 0–0.15 for simulated release schemes. B Regions of parameter space for which the probability of elimination exceeds 90% are depicted as a function of male fertility (x-axis), female viability (y-axis), and the minimum number of weekly releases required to achieve this (shadings, see key). Release size is set to 250 eggs per wild adult. The shaded square depicts the region of parameter space in which male fertility is between 0–10% and female viability is between 0–10%. A ≥90% elimination probability is achieved with ~20–32 weekly releases for pgSIT systems having these parameters.