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[Preprint]. 2023 Apr 20:2023.04.20.536761. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.04.20.536761

Figure 2: Identified TBXT binding sites in the enhancer elements are essential for reporter activity.

Figure 2:

(A) Sequence of the human TBXT binding site (T-box) using JASPAR.

(B) FIMO output with location of the T-box, statistical significance, and matched sequence within the enhancer elements.

(C) Schematic depiction of the wildtype human enhancer elements with the TBXT binding site/T-box (pink box) and the enhancer elements without the respective T-box sites (ΔTbox). All human enhancer elements are depicted in the reverse complement direction.

(D-I) Injection of the wildtype enhancer elements hs_T3 (D), hs_C (F), and hs_I (H) as reporter constructs results in mApple fluorophore expression in the notochord at 48 hpf, whereas injection of hs_T3ΔTbox (E) and hs_IΔTbox (I) show complete loss of notochord expression (asterisks in E,I) in comparison to hs_CshortΔTbox (G), which has residual reporter activity even without the T-box. Arrowheads (D-I) mark EGFP expression in the pineal gland from the transgenesis marker exorh:EGFP. Scale bar in D: 0.5 mm, applies to D-I.