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[Preprint]. 2023 Apr 19:2023.04.15.23288269. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.04.15.23288269

Table 2:

Summary of findings for testing platforms for monogenic diabetes

Cohort & Method
(country/ ancestry
of population)
Number of
Range of
size tested
Yield of Testing Certainty of
Plain-Language Summary
NDM - Sanger (ABCC8, KCNJ11 & INS) (International cohorts) 4 26-1020 49% (580/1183) A
  • ABCC8 and KCNJ11 are common causes of NDM and inform transfer from insulin to sulphonylurea.

  • Rapid diagnosis by initial Sanger is recommended, although tNGS that includes these genes as a first line test is suitable if result within 1-2 weeks.

  • INS may be included in first line Sanger testing given the small size of this gene.

NDM - Methylation status at 6q24 locus (International cohorts) 4 18-1020 11% (125/1137) A
  • Abnormal methylation at the 6q24 locus causes transient NDM but detection requires a specific assay (MS-MLPA) that requires additional resources.

  • Testing may be offered to all newly diagnosed NDM patients after negative Sanger and/or NGS testing.

  • Alternatively testing may be offered only to patients with TNDM or where DM later remits to reduce cost, but this may delay time to diagnosis.

NDM - NGS (all known NDM genes) (International cohorts) 8 7-1020 70% (837/1196) A
  • ABCC8 and KCNJ11 are the common NDM subtypes but an additional 19 different genetic subtypes were diagnosed using NGS.

  • NGS testing increased diagnostic yield by 30%

  • Rare recessive NDM syndromes were more common than ABCC8 & KCNJ11 in consanguineous populations, and NGS testing is essential; the distal enhancer of PTF1A is mutated in 3% of cases and must be specifically targeted by NGS.

  • NGS may detect variants missed by Sanger sequencing due to sequence variation in primer binding sites.

MODY - Sanger (France, USA, Greece) 3 84-140 13% (24/181) A
  • Sanger sequencing of the most common cause MODY genes is a viable option where NGS is not available but has lower sensitivity and will miss cases.

  • Testing of HNF1A, HNF4A, GCK and m.3243A>G will diagnose around 75% of genetically confirmed MODY referred to a diagnostic testing laboratory.

  • Laboratories issuing a no diagnosis Sanger report must inform the clinician that a diagnosis of other MD subtypes has not been excluded and advise on further testing.

MODY - CNV detection (International cohorts) 11 31-1564 1% (63/5051) A
  • CNVs are a rare cause of MODY.

  • Most common CNV is the deletion of HNF1B associated with diabetes and structural renal disease.

  • Use of MLPA in Sanger or tNGS negative cases gives a small increase in diagnostic yield (~1%) but may not justify the increased cost and resources.

  • Read depth from NGS testing can be used simply and freely to detect CNVs and is recommended.

MODY - NGS (International cohorts) 16 9-4016 30% (1700/5790) A
  • Recommended option for first line testing, especially in populations with higher levels of consanguinity.

  • NGS increases diagnostic yield through testing of many more genes related less common MODY subtypes and syndromic forms of MD.

  • Diagnoses MD in 20-30% of cases with a clinical suspicion.

  • Yield further increased when detection for CNVs and the m.3243A>G mutation is included in the NGS assay.

  • Targeted custom gene panels, exome or whole genome sequencing can be undertaken, although exome and genome options are costly and better suited to novel gene discovery on a research basis.

  • It is possible for a patient to be diagnosed with more than one monogenic diabetes subtype.

m.3243A>G Genotyping (UK, China) 2 57-230 83% (47/57) B
  • The m.3243A>G is the 4th most common genetic diagnosis in patients referred for MODY testing.

  • It must be tested in all patients with suspected MODY, even if there is no hearing loss in the family, due to variable penetrance.

  • It can be detected by NGS but requires specific targeting. Alternatively, a rapid quantitative genotyping assay such as pyrosequencing can be used.

  • Sanger sequencing is possible but requires a minimum heteroplasmy detection level of ~5%.

GCK - Sanger & MLPA (Czech Republic) 1 140 74% (103/140) A
  • The clinical phenotype is easily recognised in children and in pregnancy.

  • This enables specific and rapid sequencing of GCK with a high diagnostic yield (>70%).

  • A rapid diagnosis in pregnancy enables non-invasive prenatal testing to aid clinical management by using a digital PCR technique that is 100% accurate.

GCK – non-invasive prenatal testing by ddPCR (UK) 1 33 100% concordance with cord blood result. C