Figure 3.
Plaque progression for different plaque phenotypes and in different WSS tertiles. (A) Plaque progression for an NIRS-IVUS-derived plaque phenotype LRP (NIRS +), a non-LRP (NIRS - & plaque thickness > 0.5 mm), and an IVUS-based plaque-free wall (NIRS - & plaque thickness < 0.5 mm). (*P < 0.05, Estimated mean + Standard Error, linear mixed model). (B) Plaque progression for an OCT-derived plaque phenotype LRP (Lipid), fibrous, and an OCT-based plaque-free wall (PFW). (*P < 0.05, Estimated mean + Standard Error, linear mixed model). Plaque progression for NIRS-IVUS (C)- and OCT (D)-derived plaque phenotypes divided into low (no pattern), mid (light pattern), and high (dense pattern) WSS. (*P < 0.05, Estimated mean + Standard Error, linear mixed model).