Fig 4. Three mitochondrial metrics were assessed from the same retinal samples across age and location.
A. Retinal mitochondrial membrane potentials from young and old primates from central and peripheral regions. An overall significant age-related decrease of between 30–40% was revealed in membrane potentials for both central and peripheral regions. B. Mitochondrial membrane permeability was assessed revealing an inverse relationship with mitochondrial membrane potential with permeability increasing with age across the retina associated with declining potentials. Increased aged permeability was approximately 30–40% independent of location. C. Mitochondrial size was determined via light scatter. Larger mitochondria scatter less light due to increased absorbance by their larger surface area. In both age groups, mitochondria were larger in the periphery than the centre. However, with age mitochondrial increased in size, however, this only reached statistical significance in the central retina. Hence, with age mitochondria have reduced membrane potential, increased permeability and in the centre increased size. N = 5 per groups. Abbreviations: Central, C. Peripheral, P. Statistical significance, * p<0.05*,** p<0.01.