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. 2022 Nov 21;58(3):674–685. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.14097


Descriptive statistics of sample, overall, and stratified by specialty group

Overall Primary care Medical specialties Surgical specialties
# of physicians 203,728 66,968 80,267 56,493
Physician burden and efficiency measures
% of visits closed in the same day 72.1 (29.7) 76.5 (26.5) 66.8 (32.2) 74.5 (28.5)
Time in notes per visit 9.1 (10.5) 9.3 (9.4) 11.6 (11.7) 5.5 (8.8)
Time outside scheduled hours per visit 4.6 (5.5) 4.8 (5.7) 5.7 (6.1) 2.6 (3.5)
Unscheduled days with any EHR use per week 2.3 (1.0) 2.0 (0.8) 2.3 (1.0) 2.5 (1.0)
Documentation length (characters per note) 4835.5 (3045.3) 4199.8 (2208.1) 6128.8 (3574.3) 3751.5 (2341.5)
Note composition (characters per note)
Copy/paste 749.5 (1580.8) 245.8 (747.9) 1433.7 (2171.2) 374.6 (737.7)
SmartTools 1820.0 (1527.0) 1889.6 (1413.4) 2070.3 (1674.8) 1381.9 (1329.9)
Manual text 363.0 (419.8) 330.3 (347.8) 472.9 (514.7) 245.6 (288.7)
NoteWriter 208.8 (442.7) 350.6 (533.9) 158.5 (419.4) 112.3 (286.5)
Transcription 37.7 (335.1) 11.0 (188.0) 54.0 (398.1) 46.2 (369.4)
Voice recognition/dictation 227.9 (455.8) 168.9 (371.0) 268.6 (520.7) 239.8 (440.8)
Average patient age 48.6 (19.0) 44.1 (21.3) 51.4 (18.8) 50.1 (15.2)
Total weekly visits 35.2 (26.3) 44.8 (27.4) 27.3 (23.1) 34.9 (25.5)
% of E/M visits billed to Level 1 0.7 (4.5) 0.4 (2.7) 0.7 (4.5) 1.2 (6.0)
% of E/M visits billed to Level 2 3.4 (8.0) 2.7 (6.3) 2.2 (6.6) 5.9 (10.5)
% of E/M visits billed to Level 3 20.7 (18.8) 24.1 (17.3) 15.4 (17.9) 24.1 (19.8)
% of E/M visits billed to Level 4 27.7 (22.7) 29.3 (20.3) 34.3 (24.7) 16.6 (17.8)
% of E/M visits billed to Level 5 7.7 (14.8) 3.6 (9.1) 13.8 (18.9) 3.9 (10.0)
US census region (n, %)
Midwest 57,965 (28) 19,182 (29) 22,399 (28) 16,384 (29)
Northeast 45,318 (22) 13,386 (20) 20,210 (25) 11,722 (21)
South 50,136 (25) 15,707 (23) 19,785 (25) 14,644 (26)
West 50,309 (25) 18,693 (28) 17,873 (22) 13,743 (24)
Organizational type (n, %)
Ambulatory‐only 14,492 (7) 7043 (11) 4067 (5) 3382 (6)
Hospital and clinic facilities 179,459 (88) 56,083 (84) 72,893 (91) 50,483 (89)
Other 9777 (5) 3842 (6) 3307 (4) 2628 (5)

Note: All values are mean (SD) unless noted otherwise.

Abbreviations: EHR, electronic health record; E/M, evaluation and management.