Extended Data Fig. 2. Total tau levels in PS19-fE4 and PS19-fE3 mice with or without Cre and validation of tau spread study.
a–c, Total tau levels measured by ELISA in the hippocampal lysates of 10-month-old PS19-fE4 and PS19-fE3 mice with and without Cre, following sequential biochemical extraction in RAB and RIPA buffer (PS19-fE4: No Cre, n = 21; Syn1-Cre, n = 19; PS19-fE3: No Cre, n = 17; Syn1-Cre, n = 11). Total tau levels were normalized to the weight of the dissected hippocampal tissue for each individual mouse. d, Representative images of the injected and non-injected hippocampal sides of a 10-month-old fE4 mouse 2 weeks after a unilateral injection with an AAV2-GFP virus and immunostained with anti-GFP (scale bar, 500 µm). e, Representative high magnification images of the injected and non-injected hippocampal sides of a fE4 mouse 2 weeks after an unilateral injection and immunostained with anti-GFP and DAPI (scale bar, 100 µm). f, Quantification of percent HT7 (human tau) coverage area on the injected hippocampal side. g, Quantification of number of AT8-positive neurons in the neuronal cell layer on the injected hippocampal side. h, Normalization of the number of AT8-positive neurons on the injected hippocampal side to the percent HT7 coverage area on the injected hippocampal side. i, Normalization of the number of HT7-positive neurons on the non-injected hippocampal side normalized to the percent HT7 coverage area of the injected hippocampal side. j, Normalization of the number of AT8-positive neurons on the non-injected hippocampal side to the percent HT7 coverage area of the injected hippocampal side. Mice used in f–j are 13-month-old fE4, fE4/Syn1-Cre, and fE3 mice (n = 8 per group). k, Representative images of HT7 immunostaining on the injected hippocampal side of 13-month-old fE mice with or without Cre (scale bar, 500 µm). l, Representative images of AT8 immunostaining on the injected hippocampal side of 13-month-old fE mice with or without Cre (scale bar, 500 µm). White arrows in l indicate neuronal soma areas in hippocampi. Data in a,b,c,f,g,h,i,j are represented as mean ± SEM, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc multiple comparisons test.