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. 2023 Mar 29;5(3):fcad085. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcad085

Table 2.

Regression analyses on dataset 1 with additional interaction terms coefficients

Group Stat. Sign. Coeff. Est. Std.Err t-value Pr(>|t|)
PD_MHPG Intercept 12.333 2.892 4.264 0.000594***
n 2.611 3.587 0.728 0.477173
method LC-ED 3.737 11.341 0.329 0.746052
method MF −44.624 51.843 −0.861 0.402089
method GC −3.461 26.520 −0.130 0.897799
method GLC −23.880 16.270 −1.468 0.161562
csfvol 3.736 3.522 1.060 0.304664
age 5.870 4.270 1.375 0.188225
severity 5.933 9.209 0.644 0.528502
ypd 4.228 8.358 0.506 0.619799
age* severity 9.412 16.634 0.566 0.579335
age* ypd 5.020 7.299 0.688 0.501489
PD_NA Intercept 128.713 54.928 2.343 0.0472*
n −8.559 39.928 −0.214 0.8356
method LC-ED 205.982 127.914 1.610 0.1460
method RM 185.784 114.636 1.621 0.1438
csfvol 30.076 59.731 0.504 0.6282
age 90.557 87.155 1.039 0.3292
severity 38.585 47.864 0.806 0.4435
ypd −7.809 40.281 −0.194 0.8511
age*severity −198.496 133.884 −1.483 0.1765
age*ypd −2.316 104.947 −0.022 0.9829

A further regression was performed on both NA and MHPG levels to explore the interaction between the variable ‘age’ and the variables ‘severity’ and ‘years post diagnosis’, previously excluded due to their absence for more than half of the participants. For both variables, NA and MHPG, the tested regression model was then n + ‘method’ + ‘csfvol’ + ‘age’*‘severity’ + ‘age’*‘ypd’. Coeff = coefficient; ED = electrochemical detection; Est = parameter estimates; GC = gas chromatography; GLC = gas liquid chromatography; LC = liquid chromatography; MF = mass fragmentography; MHPG = 3-methoxy-4-ydroxyphenylglycol; n = sample size; NA = noradrenaline; PD = Parkinson’s Disease; Pr(>|t|) = P-value associated with the t statistic; RM = radioenzymatic methods; Stat.Sign.Coeff = statistically significant coefficient; Std.Err = standard error. Significance levels are indicated by asterisks (*P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001).