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. 2023 Mar 9;114(5):2063–2077. doi: 10.1111/cas.15743


Relationships between simultaneous Dickkopf‐1 (DKK1) and cytoskeleton‐associated protein 4 (CKAP4) expression and clinicopathological factors in hepatocellular carcinoma cases

Parameters DKK1+/CKAP4+ (n = 55) DKK1−/CKAP4− (n = 159) p value DKK1+/CKAP4− (n = 162) p value DKK1−/CKAP4+ (n = 36) p value
General background
Age (years) 68 (41–80) 69 (34–88) 0.267 69 (33–87) 0.545 71 (50–80) 0.329
Sex (male/female) 47/8 134/25 0.834 138/24 0.961 32/4 0.636
Hepatitis virus infection (non‐B non‐C/HB, HC) 22/33 66/93 0.844 57/105 0.523 15/21 0.874
Child–Pugh class (A/B) 50/5 158/1 0.001 156/6 0.116 34/2 0.536
Tumor factor
Tumor number (>2/1) 26/29 53/106 0.067 43/119 0.005 12/24 0.185
Tumor size (≥5 cm/<5 cm) 30/25 65/94 0.079 63/99 0.043 18/18 0.671
Histology (poor/well or moderate) 13/42 20/139 0.059 20/142 0.053 8/28 0.875
Lymph node metastasis (positive/negative) 2/53 1/158 0.102 1/161 0.098 0/36 0.247
Vascular invasion (positive/negative) 32/23 56/103 0.003 54/108 0.001 13/23 0.039
Capsular formation (positive/negative) 45/10 137/21 0.385 138/23 0.495 31/5 0.589
Capsular invasion (positive/negative) 38/17 112/46 0.802 110/48 0.942 24/12 0.809
UICC stage (IIIA–IVA/ IA–II) 26/29 40/119 0.003 35/127 0.0004 12/24 0.185
Intrahepatic recurrence (positive/negative) 33/22 83/76 0.316 89/73 0.512 16/20 0.145
Extrahepatic recurrence (positive/negative) 14/41 14/145 0.003 12/150 0.001 6/30 0.316
Lymph node metastasis 2 2 0.294 3 0.446 2 0.662
Lung metastasis 9 8 0.012 3 <0.0001 3 0.268
Bone metastasis 4 4 0.133 6 0.275 1 0.358

Note: Continuous variables are expressed as medians with ranges. p values were calculated by comparing between double positive cases and each other cases. p values ≤0.05 are statistically significant.

Abbreviations: HB, hepatitis B; HC, hepatitis C; non‐B non‐C, non‐hepatitis B and non‐hepatitis C.