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. 2023 May 3;381:e073613. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-073613

Table 1.

Age standardized characteristics in 2001 according to severity of early life physical and sexual abuse among 67 726 female nurses (Nurses’ Health Study II, 2001-19)

Characteristics* Severity of physical abuse Severity of sexual abuse
None Mild physical abuse Moderate physical abuse Severe physical abuse None Sexual touching as child or adolescent Forced sexual activity as child or adolescent Forced sexual activity as child and adolescent
Number 31 460 12 607 17 785 5874 45 008 15 045 5778 1895
Age (years), mean (SD) 46.8 (4.7) 46.9 (4.7) 46.9 (4.6) 47 (4.6) 46.8 (4.7) 46.9 (4.7) 46.9 (4.6) 47.1 (4.6)
White 29 932 (95.1) 11 941 (94.7) 16 380 (92.1) 5381 (91.6) 42 652 (94.8) 13 943 (92.7) 5339 (92.4) 1700 (89.7)
Parental highest education above high school 14 254 (45.3) 5571 (44.1) 7025 (39.5) 2152 (36.8) 20 005 (44.4) 6103 (40.7) 2233 (38.6) 661 (35.0)
Parents owned home at participant’s birth 18 436 (58.6) 6988 (55.3) 9528 (53.6) 2827 (48.3) 25 582 (56.8) 8245 (54.9) 3031 (52.4) 921 (48.9)
Parents worked as a professional, manager, or executive at the participant’s birth 10 673 (33.9) 4036 (31.9) 4953 (27.9) 1484 (25.4) 14 771 (32.8) 4362 (29.1) 1556 (26.9) 457 (24.3)
Age at menarche (years), mean (SD) 12.4 (1.4) 12.4 (1.4) 12.4 (1.4) 12.4 (1.5) 12.4 (1.4) 12.3 (1.4) 12.3 (1.5) 12.2 (1.6)
Body mass index
 <18.5 409 (1.3) 160 (1.3) 210 (1.2) 61 (1.1) 623 (1.4) 147 (1.0) 42 (0.7) 28 (1.5)
 18.5-24.9 15 633 (49.7) 6204 (49.1) 8115 (45.7) 2448 (42.0) 22 454 (49.8) 6778 (45.3) 2504 (43.3) 664 (35.3)
 25-29.9 8448 (26.9) 3416 (27.1) 4985 (28.0) 1572 (26.7) 12 076 (26.9) 4174 (27.7) 1621 (28.1) 550 (29.0)
 ≥30 6970 (22.2) 2827 (22.5) 4475 (25.1) 1793 (30.3) 9855 (21.9) 3946 (26.1) 1611 (27.8) 653 (34.2)
Parental history of CVD before age 60 years 8524 (27.1) 3446 (27.4) 5105 (28.7) 1911 (32.3) 12 143 (27.1) 4384 (29.0) 1789 (30.9) 670 (35.0)
Total physical activity (hours/week), mean (SD) 2.4 (3.1) 2.5 (3.1) 2.4 (3.3) 2.5 (3.6) 2.5 (3.2) 2.3 (3.2) 2.4 (3.3) 2.4 (3.6)
AHEI-2010 dietary score,† mean (SD) 55.6 (12.8) 56.1 (12.7) 56 (12.9) 56.8 (13.1) 55.8 (12.8) 56.3 (12.9) 56.2 (13) 55.8 (12.7)
Alcohol intake (g/day), mean (SD) 3.8 (6.9) 4.5 (7.8) 4.0 (7.5) 4.2 (8.0) 4.0 (7.2) 4.2 (7.6) 4.1 (7.7) 3.6 (7.5)
Parity,‡ mean (SD) 1.9 (1.2) 1.9 (1.2) 1.9 (1.2) 1.8 (1.2) 1.9 (1.2) 1.9 (1.2) 1.9 (1.2) 1.8 (1.3)
Depression 7735 (24.6) 3730 (29.6) 5892 (33.1) 2738 (46.5) 11 656 (25.9) 5140 (34.1) 2350 (40.7) 949 (50.1)
Phobic anxiety symptom scores ≥3 7163 (22.8) 3327 (26.4) 4886 (27.5) 1982 (33.7) 10 934 (24.3) 3902 (25.9) 1821 (31.5) 701 (36.9)
Smoking status
 Never 22 043 (70.0) 7929 (62.8) 11 163 (62.8) 3184 (54.5) 30 600 (67.9) 9465 (63.1) 3184 (55.1) 1070 (56.6)
 Past 7219 (23.0) 3512 (28.0) 5005 (28.1) 1936 (32.7) 10 957 (24.4) 4271 (28.2) 1880 (32.5) 564 (29.6)
 Current 1-34 cigarettes/day 2069 (6.6) 1097 (8.7) 1498 (8.4) 708 (12.1) 3233 (7.2) 1221 (8.1) 679 (11.8) 239 (12.6)
 Current ≥35 cigarettes/day 100 (0.3) 59 (0.5) 88 (0.5) 43 (0.7) 163 (0.4) 75 (0.5) 31 (0.5) 21 (1.1)
Oral contraceptive use
 Never 2805 (8.9) 1124 (8.8) 1447 (8.2) 420 (7.4) 4048 (8.9) 1184 (8.2) 446 (7.7) 118 (6.3)
 Past 24 024 (76.4) 9812 (78.0) 14 109 (79.3) 4731 (80.3) 34 396 (76.5) 11 967 (79.3) 4728 (81.8) 1585 (83.6)
 Current 4478 (14.3) 1618 (12.8) 2145 (12.0) 677 (11.5) 6341 (14.1) 1827 (12.1) 574 (9.9) 176 (9.3)
Tier of residence at birth,§
 North 6528 (20.7) 2383 (18.9) 3759 (21.1) 1138 (19.4) 9116 (20.2) 3141 (20.9) 1151 (19.9) 400 (21.1)
 Middle 7821 (24.9) 3024 (24.0) 4536 (25.5) 1393 (23.7) 10 716 (23.8) 4035 (26.8) 1502 (26.0) 521 (27.4)
 South 13 922 (44.3) 5867 (46.6) 7555 (42.5) 2632 (44.7) 20 611 (45.8) 6162 (40.8) 2443 (42.3) 760 (40.3)
 Outside of US or uncertain 3189 (10.1) 1333 (10.6) 1935 (10.9) 711 (12.2) 4565 (10.1) 1707 (11.4) 682 (11.8) 214 (11.3)

AHEI-10=Alternative Health Eating Index 2010; CVD=cardiovascular disease; SD=standard deviation.


Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise; means (standard deviations) and percentages of all variables except for age are age standardized.

551 (0.8%) nurses had missing data on baseline diet scores (including alcohol intake).

Pregnancies lasting at least six months.


The north tier of states, lying above 41-42° N latitude, includes states in the east column, the central column, the mountain column, and the Pacific column; the middle tier of states has east, central, mountain, and Pacific columns; the south tier, lying south of 37° N latitude comprises states in the east, central, mountain, and Pacific columns.