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. 2023 Jan 5;76(9):1594–1603. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac965

Table 1.

Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Study Participants Enrolled at Intervention Clinics of a Cluster Randomized Trial of Targeted Universal Testing for Tuberculosis in High-Risk Groups

Characteristic Entire Cohorta (n = 30 513) HIVa (n = 21 734) TB Contacta (n = 12 492) Prior TBa (n = 1573)
Age, median (IQR), y 39 (30–46) 39 (31–46) 39 (27–49) 40 (30–48)
Gender, no. (%)
ȃMissing 26 (0) 15 (0) 15 (0) 3 (0)
ȃFemale 18 934 (62) 14 124 (65) 7359 (59) 757 (48)
ȃMale 11 553 (38) 7595 (35) 5118 (41) 813 (52)
Symptom status, no. (%)
ȃMissing 41 (0) 36 (0) 7 (0) 3 (0)
ȃAsymptomatic 22 255 (73) 16 970 (78) 7796 (62) 868 (55)
ȃSymptomatic 8217 (27) 4728 (22) 4689 (38) 702 (45)
Human immunodeficiency virus status, no. (%)
ȃMissing 587 (2) 568 (5) 41 (2)
ȃNegative 8192 (29) 7905 (63) 531 (34)
ȃPositive 21 734 (71) 4019 (32) 1001 (64)
ȃCD4 count available,b no. (%) 8700 (40) 1618 (40) 489 (49)
ȃCD4 count, median (IQR), cells/mm3 422 (248–613) 472 (298–674) 294 (147–523)
ȃART status knownb 8510/21 734 (39%) 1529/4019 (38%) 327/1001 (33%)
ȃOn ART at enrollment (%) 7421/8510 (87%) 1132/1529 (74%) 279/327 (85%)
TB contact, no. (%)
ȃMissing 17 (0) 15 (0) 4 (0)
ȃNo 18 004 (59) 17 700 (81) 1076 (68)
ȃYes 12 492 (41) 4019 (19) 493 (31)
Prior TB, no. (%)
ȃMissing 37 (0) 25 (0) 12 (0)
ȃNo 28 903 (95) 20 708 (95) 11 987 (96)
ȃYes 1573 (5) 1001 (5) 493 (4)
ȃCompleted treatment 599 (38)
ȃLong-term follow-up 38 (2)
ȃOutcome unknown 936 (60)
Time since TB treatment stopped, no. (%)
ȃMissing 68 (4)
ȃ<1 y 505 (32)
ȃ1–2 y 484 (31)
ȃ2–5 y 448 (28)
>5 y 68 (4)
ȃGauteng, no. (%) 6593 (22) 5816 (27) 877 (7) 111 (7)
ȃKwazulu-Natal, no. (%) 14 381 (47) 9480 (44) 7586 (61) 1007 (64)
ȃWestern Cape, no. (%) 9539 (31) 6438 (30) 4029 (32) 455 (29)

Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; IQR, interquartile range; TB, tuberculosis.

Note that the row totals and percentages do not total 100% in all cases as the risk factor groups are not mutually exclusive.

The protocol was amended to include these questions partway through the study, and these data points were collected after recruitment was underway.