Extended Data Fig. 2. Comparison of edge-emitted and surface-emitted EL spectra of the reference and the BRW devices.
a, The spectra of edge-emitted and surface-emitted EL (top and bottom subpanels, respectively) of the reference device (insets illustrate the configuration of the measurements) do not show any apparent qualitative distinctions (the device is operated at 920 A cm−2). Furthermore, the edge emission is about 50 times weaker than surface emission. b, By contrast, the BRW device shows a substantial difference in the spectral shape of edge-emitted and surface-emitted EL (top and bottom subpanels, respectively); j = 730 A cm−2. Furthermore, edge emission is about two times more intense than surface emission. The spectrum of edge-emitted EL is dominated by 1S and 1P ASE features, whereas the surface emission comprises a single narrow peak at 2.05 eV owing to a vertical Fabry–Pérot cavity formed by the bottom DBR and the top silver mirror. a.u., arbitrary units.