Fig. 2. Multiple gene clusters from Nocardiopsis sp.CMB-M0232 are required for nocardioazine B (2) biogenesis.
Heterologous co-expression of the noz and noz2 clusters in S. lividans TK24 resulted in 2 production, based on LC-MS with positive-mode electrospray ionization (ESI+) selected ion recording (SIR) for [M + H]+ m/z 469. LC was conducted using a C18 column with gradient mobile phase of H2O/MeCN (40–90%) and 0.1% HOAc, as detailed in Methods. Transformants lacking either cluster failed to produce 2. Chemical complementation of noz2 transformants with LL-cWW (3) also yielded 2, while complementation of empty pUWL201 vector transformants resulted in no accumulation of 2. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.