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. 2023 Apr 25;24(5):406–423. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2022.0998

Fig. 1. Extraluminal air and bowel contents in full-thickness bowel tears. A: Blunt sigmoid trauma in a 27-year-old man. B: Blunt ascending colon trauma in a 65-year-old woman. C: Stab descending colon trauma in a 23-year-old man. Sagittal-reformatted computed tomography (CT) image (A) demonstrates mesenteric air (arrows) in the sigmoid mesocolon, pneumoretroperitoneum (pr), and pneumoperitoneum (p) as well as extension of air into the subcutaneous fat secondary to a rectus sheath tear (between arrowheads). Axial CT images (B, C) indicate pneumoperitoneum (p), extraluminal spillage of fecal contents (asterisks), mesenteric air (short arrows), and colonic contrast material (long arrows). h = hematoma, p = pneumoperitoneum, pr = pneumoretroperitoneum.

Fig. 1