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. 2023 Apr 20;14:1169629. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1169629


Synonyms and geographical distribution of Tanacetum species used in the traditional medicine.

Tanacetum species Synonyms Distribution References
Tanacetum balsamita L Balsamita major Desf** T. balsamita is native to Asia, Asia Minor, and Australia. Still, it has become naturalized in many regions of Europe, where it is well known and utilized in traditional medicine, especially in the Mediterranean basin’s countries such as Spain, Italy, Germany, England, Türkiye, and Romania Cumo (2013), Faraloni et al. (2020), Bonetti et al. (2021)
Balsamita suaveolens Pers**
Balsamita vulgaris Willd**
Chamaemelum balsamita (L.)E.H.L.Krause**
Chrysanthemum balsamita (L.) Baill**
Chrysanthemum grande (L.) Hook.f**
Chrysanthemum grandiflorum (Desf.) Dum.Cours**
Chrysanthemum majus (Desf.) Asch**
Chrysanthemum tanacetifolium (Desr.) Dum.Cours**
Chrysanthemum tanacetum Vis**
Leucanthemum balsamita (L.) Over**
Matricaria balsamita (L.) Desr**
Pyrethrum majus (Desf.) Tzvelev**
Balsamita major var. major*
Balsamita major subsp. major*
Balsamita major var. tanacetoides (Boiss.) Moldenke*
Chrysanthemum balsamita var. tanacetoides Boiss.*
Tanacetum balsamita subsp. balsamita*
Tanacetum balsamita var. balsamita*
Tanacetum balsamita subsp. balsamitoides (Sch.Bip.) Grierson*
Tanacetum vulgare L Chamaemelum tanacetum (Vis.) E.H.L.Krause** This perennial herb is indigenous to temperate Europe and Asia, where it grows along roadsides, hedgerows, and trash areas. It was brought to North America for horticultural and medicinal uses but has since become wild in many American states Juan-Badaturuge et al. (2009), Coté et al. (2017)
Chrysanthemum asiaticum Vorosch**
Pyrethrum vulgare (L.) Boiss**
Tanacetum boreale Fisch. ex DC**
Tanacetum crispum Steud**
Chrysanthemum vulgare var. boreale (Fisch. ex DC.) Makino ex Makino & Nemoto*
Dendranthema lavandulifolium var. tomentellum (Hand.-Mazz.) Y.Ling & C.Shih*
Tanacetum vulgare subsp. boreale (Fisch. ex DC.) A*
Tanacetum vulgare var. crispum DC.*
Tanacetum vulgare subsp. vulgare*
Tanacetum vulgare f. vulgare*
Tanacetum artemisioides Sch.Bip. ex Hook.f Chrysanthemum karakoramense Kitam** The species’ natural range extends from the Himalayas to western Tibet. It is a subshrub that primarily thrives in subarctic or subalpine biomes Hussain et al. (2010)
Tanacetum polycephalum Sch.Bip Pyrethrum polycephalum (Sch.Bip.) Sch.Bip. ex Boiss** This herb grows mainly in Europe, Türkiye, Iraq, Iran, Caucasia, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tibet, and Mongolia Mahdavi et al. (2013)
Tanacetum dolichophyllum (Kitam.) Kitam Chrysanthemum dolichophyllum Kitam** This herb grows in the Uttarakhand Himalayas region at high altitudes Haider et al. (2017)
Tanacetum falconeri Hook.f No synonyms are recorded for this species This species’ native habitat extends from northern Pakistan to the western Himalayas and western Tibet. It is primarily found in the subalpine or subarctic environment Ghafoor (2002)
Tanacetum fruticulosum Ledeb Ajania fruticulosa (Ledeb.) Poljakov** The species occurs widely in the plains and hills of many parts of Central Asia and the Middle East of Hamedan, Iran, at a relatively high altitude (2000 m) Weyerstahl et al. (1999)
Tanacetum germanicopolitanum (Bornm. & Heimerl) Grierson Chrysanthemum germanicopolitanum Bornm** This plant is native to Turkey (northern Anatolia) and thrives mainly in the chalky steppe (; accessed on: 29 September 2022)
Tanacetum cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood Achillea peroninii Boiss** This plant is represented by two subspecies, namely, T. cadmium subsp. orientale and T. cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood subsp. cadmeum, both of which are endemic to Türkiye Özek et al. (2007)
Achillea speciosa Hayek**
Chrysanthemum cadmeum (Boiss.) Bornm**
Chrysanthemum schwarzianum Bornm**
Pyrethrum cadmeum Boiss**
Tanacetum zahlbruckneri (Nab.) Grierson Chrysanthemum zahlbruckneri Nábělek** This species thrives in the Irano-Turanian region, including Türkiye, Iran, and Azerbaijan Eyol et al. (2017)
Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Sch.Bip Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Vis** T. cinerariifolium is indigenous to the East Coast of the Adriatic Sea. It may also occur in the hilly areas of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and northern Albania Grdiša et al. (2009)
Chrysanthemum rigidum Vis**
Chrysanthemum turreanum Vis**
Pyrethrum cinerariifolium Trevir**
Tanacetum cilicicum (Boiss.) Grierson Chrysanthemum cilicicum (Boiss.) Bornm** The species is endemic to Türkiye Şen et al. (2019)
Pyrethrum cilicium Boiss**
Tanacetum parthenium Sch.Bip Chamaemelum parthenium (L.) E.H.L.Krause* The species is endemic to the Balkan Peninsula but has also been introduced to Australia, Europe, Japan, China, and North Africa Pareek et al. (2011)
Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh. *
Chrysanthemum praealtum Vent. *
Dendranthema parthenium (L.) Des Moul.*
Leucanthemum odoratum Dulac*
Leucanthemum parthenium (L.) Gren. & Godr.*
Matricaria parthenium L.*
Parthenium matricaria Gueldenst.*
Parthenium matricaria gesn. ex Rupr.*
Pontia matricaria Bubani*
Pyrethrum buschianum Sosn. *
Pyrethrum demetrii Manden.*
Pyrethrum divaricatum (Sosn.) Sosn.*
Pyrethrum glanduliferum Sommier & Levier*
Pyrethrum grossheimii Sosn.*
Pyrethrum matricaria gesn. ex Rupr.*
Pyrethrum parthenium (L.) Sm.*
Pyrethrum sevanense Sosn. ex Grossh.*
Pyrethrum parthenium (L.) J. E. Smith*
Tanacetum argyrophyllum (K.Koch) Tzvelev Tanacetum argyrophyllum var. argyrophyllum* The species occurs widely in north-east Anatolia, Türkiye Inceer et al. (2012)
Tanacetum aureum (Lam.) Greuter & al Tanacetum chiliophyllum Sch.Bip** The species and its varieties are endemic to South and West Asia, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, and Türkiye Polatoğlu et al. (2012)
Tanacetum chiliophyllum var. monocephalum Grierson**
Pyrethrum chiliophyllum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex DC**
Matricaria absinthioides Desr**
Gymnocline chiliophylla K.Koch**
Chrysanthemum saxatile B.Fedtsch**
Achillea aurea Lam**
Tanacetum kochii Sch.Bip**
Tanacetum longipedunculatum (Sost.)Tzuelev**
Tanacetum tauricum Sch.Bip**
Tanacetum coccineum (Willd.) Grierson Chrysanthemum roseum Adams* The species is endemic to the Caucasus region between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea Zeng et al. (2021)
Pyrethrum roseum var. adamii Trautv.*
Pyrethrum roseum var. roseum*
Tanacetum sinaicum (Fresen.) Delile ex K.Bremer & Humphries Chrysanthemum sinaicum (Delile ex DC.) Nábělek** The species is endemic to the Middle East Hegazy et al. (2015)
Pyrethrum santolinoides DC**
Santolina sinaica Fresen**
Tanacetum santolinoides (DC.) Feinbrun & Fertig**

**(Medium Confidence level); * (Low Confidence level).