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. 2023 Apr 20;14:1169629. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1169629


Comprehensive overview of the ethnopharmacological uses of Tanacetum spp.

Vernacular names Used part Ethno-preparations Ethnobotanical uses Administration route Country References
T. artemisioides Sch.Bip. ex Hook.f
Zawil AP Infusion Diabetes Internal Pakistan Ullah et al. (2019)
Zawil Fl Powder blended with oil and sugar The flowers are powdered, mixed with oil and sugar, and swallowed to cure the flu Internal Pakistan Ali et al. (2019)
Zawil Le, Fr Powder The powder prepared from leaves, branches, and fruit is used to treat hepatitis and relieve chest pain Internal/External Pakistan Ibrar and Hussain (2010), Singhal et al. (2016)
T. argyrophyllum var. argyrophyllum
 Nr Nr Nr Migraine, neuralgia, anorexia, and rheumatism, and as a vermifuge Internal/External Türkiye Akpulat et al. (2005)
Nalbant R Burnt and mixed with sulfur, gunpowder, and butter Wound healing, scabies External Türkiye Sezik et al. (1997)
T. balsamita L
BoldoMenta romana Nr Nr Hepatic and stomach problems Internal Argentina Molares and Ladio (2009)
Kalofer Le A vinegar-based mixture with the plant leaf General strengthening Nr Bulgaria Nedelcheva (2012)
Shahsparam Le Nr Stomach pain and bloating Internal Iran Ebadi and Eftekharian (2019)
Erba di San Pietro Le Cooking Aromatize salads, omelets, and liqueurs, particularly on Easter Day. They have also been cooked with cheese, eggs, cloves, garlic, and mallow leaves Internal Italy (Central Italian) Ghirardini et al. (2007)
Erba amara
Erbadella Madonna
Erba amara balsamica Le Infusion, tisane Bile acid deficiency, cholecystitis, dyspepsia, sedative, antispasmodic for insomnia and cough, carminative, and as a diuretic External Italy (Southern Italy) Guarino (2008)
Erba di Santa Maria
Erba di San Pietro
Erba menta
Erba della Madonna “lilla” Le Dried leaves added in the bath To strengthen the skin of newborns, also as a skin toner and performing (ritual) External Italy (Central-Eastern) Pieroni et al. (2004)
Nr AP Chewing Oral hygiene, decorative purposes External/Internal Lithuania Pranskuniene et al. (2019)
Moteržole Le Infusion, cooked Nausea, diarrhoea, and women’s disorders Internal Lithuania Karpavičienė (2022)
Balsam Nr Herbal tea Lower high blood pressure, as a hypoglycemic drink, and to reduce cough symptoms Internal Morocco Bouhlal et al. (2017)
Nr Nr Nr Anthelmintic Internal Spain Agelet et al. (2000)
Kaloper Le Tea Female problems during the menopause, and intense migraines Internal Serbia Jarić et al. (2015)
Spice Carminative, and as a component of individual’s diet
T. cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood
Nr AP, Fr Infusion, powder, boiled Cold, chest pain, carminative, ulcer, and stomachache Internal/External Türkiye Türker (2018)
Tanacetum coccineum (Willd.) Grierson
Sendel L, Fl, St Decoction Sterility Internal Türkiye Altundag and Ozturk (2011)
T. cinerariifolium Sch.Bip
Pareto WP Nr The plant is used as pesticidal to manage pests and as a veterinary remedy against ticks External Tanzania Qwarse et al. (2018)
Tanacetum corymbosum (L.) Sch.Bip
Nr WP Nr Digestive disorders, gastritis, and parasitic intestinal worms Internal Türkiye Altundag and Ozturk (2011)
T. dolichophyllum (Kitam.) Kitam
Amritdhara-ghas Le Pills The leaves are formed into a tablet the size of an almond nut and taken orally with water Internal India Kumar et al. (2009)
Khampaserpo Seigmanlo Fl α , Le β , R γ , WP δ Nr Intestinal worms α,β,γ , stomachache β , Indigestion β , and fever δ Internal India Gairola et al. (2014)
Lidd guggli
T. emodi R.Khan
Phematso Sht Nr Antiseptic Nr India Gairola et al. (2014)
T. falconeri Hook.f
Zoon Le, Fl Nr Asthma and respiratory problems, flatulence, ring worms, and stomachache Internal Pakistan Khan and Khatoon (2008)
T. fruticulosum Ledeb
Dermene shah Le (Fresh) Nr Abdominal pain, stomachache, and flatulency Internal Iran Safa et al. (2013)
T. germanicopolitanum (Bornm. & Heimerl) Grierson
Nr Nr Nr Appetizing, tonic, and gynecological problems Internal Türkiye Türker (2018)
T. longifolium Wall. ex DC.
Ban chai R Powder The powdered roots suspended in milk are orally taken to alleviate stomach pain Internal India Dutt et al. (2015)
T. mucroniferum Hub.-Mor. & Grierson
Nr Fl Nr Anti-inflammatory, cold, flu, stomachache, edema, kidney problems, and insomnia Internal Türkiye Türker (2018)
Wurmkruid Nr Nr Poultice for scorpion bites, stomachache, typhoid fever, infantile spasms, and influenza External/Internal Nr Van Wyk and Gorelik (2017)
T. nubigenum Wall. ex DC.
Nr WP Decoction Fever Internal India Chanotiya et al. (2006)
T. parthenium (L.) Sch.Bip
Manzanilla Le, Fl Infusion Vaginal discharge, stomachache Internal Argentina Kujawska and Schmeda-Hirschmann (2022)
Altamisa casera
Feverfew AP Paste Feverish horses Internal Canada Lans et al. (2006)
Erba amara vera Fl, WP Decoction The whole plant is used to alleviate menstrual pain, while the flower decoction served to treat skin ulcers and contusions External Italy Guarino (2008)
Babune gavi Le Decoction Gastric ailments, sedative, fever, and nerve system relaxant Internal Iran Rajaei and Mohamadi (2012)
Mokhalaseh Le, St Nr Analgesic Internal Iran Basati et al. (2019)
Santamaría AP, Le Infusion Abortifacient Internal Mexico Andrade-Cetto (2009)
Babouneh gavi Nr Nr Ulcerative colitis Internal Iran Karimi et al. (2017)
Botonets FAP Tisane Antiseptic in cows after calving Internal Spain Bonet and Vallès (2007)
Papatya Le, Fl Decoction Bronchitis, common colds Internal Türkiye Karaköse (2022)
Papatya Fl Tea Stress-related disorders, sedative Internal Türkiye Eruçar et al. (2022)
Moteržole Le Cooked with omelets Bowel diseases Internal Lithuania Karpavičienė (2022)
T. polycephalum Sch. Bip
Mokhalaseh Le, St Nr Sedative Nr Iran Abbaszadeh et al. (2019)
Samsa Le Nr Anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhoid and sting External Iran Ghasemi Pirbalouti et al. (2012)
Daramey-e Pus AP Decoction The aerial part decoction is blended with that of the Thymus and Achillea and used to treat gastroenteritis Internal Iran Mosaddegh et al. (2012)
Borzhan Ca Decoction Flu and cold Internal Iraq Kawarty et al. (2020)
T. pseudachillea C.Winkl
Dastarbosh AP Decoction Laxative Internal Uzbekistan Khojimatov et al. (2020)
T. sinaicum (Fresen.) Delile ex K.Bremer & Humphries
Nr Nr Nr Migraines, fevers, arthritis and bronchitis, and stomach ailments Internal/Internal Egypt Hegazy et al. (2015)
T. tatsienense var. tanacetopsis (W. W. Smith) Grierson
Nr WP Nr Rheumatism, dyspepsia (the upper abdomen pain), and blood bleeding External/Internal China Cheng et al. (2022)
T.vulgare L
Palma-crespa Le, Fl Bottled Rheumatism External Brazil Tribess et al. (2015)
Água da colônia WP Tea The plant’s tea is swallowed daily against dizziness and for its calming effects Internal Brazil Chagas Nogueira et al. (2016)
Catinga demulata Le Headache Nr Brazil Davis et al. (2021)
Tanaceto Le, Fl, Sd Nr Anti-inflammatory and helminth infections Internal Brazil Holetz et al. (2002)
Erva dos vermes
Tanaceto Le, Fl (Fresh) Infusion The infusion of flowers suspended in milk or water or intake of a spoonful of crushed flowers with honey is used as a vermifuge, while the leaves soaked in a liqueur called arquébuse served as digestive Internal Italy Danna et al. (2022)
Fiori della Madonna
Boutòn du vers
Nr Le (Fresh) Infusion Fresh leaves soaked in alcohol were used for the digestive tract Internal Italy Pieroni and Giusti (2009)
Balssem Le Infusion Diabetes, anemia, and hypercholesterolemia Internal Morocco Chaachouay et al. (2019b)
Balssem Le Infusion Type 1 diabetes Internal Morocco Chaachouay et al. (2019a)
Vratič Le, Fl Nr Anthelmintic (Worms and tapeworms) Internal Türkiye Jarić et al. (2015)
Tanarides AP Tisane Aphrodisiac in sows Internal Spain Bonet and Vallès (2007)
Hasheshet eldood AP Infusion Digestive stimulants, coughs, respiratory problems, gastritis, neurological and venereal diseases, wounds, and as a repellent of ants Internal/External Syria Khatib et al. (2021)
Nr Fl Nr Food additives and preservatives External Russia Shikov et al. (2017)
T. zahlbruckneri (Nábělek) Grierson
Nr AP, Le Decoction Flu, cold, asthma, and styptic Internal/External Türkiye Türker (2018)

Abbreviations: Le, Leaves; St, Stems; AP, aerial parts; WP, whole plant; Nr, Not reported; Fl, Flowers; FAP, flowered aerial parts; Ca, Capitulum; Fr, Fruits; R, roots; Sht, Shoot; Sd, Seeds.