Comprehensive overview of the ethnopharmacological uses of Tanacetum spp.
Vernacular names | Used part | Ethno-preparations | Ethnobotanical uses | Administration route | Country | References |
T. artemisioides Sch.Bip. ex Hook.f | ||||||
Zawil | AP | Infusion | Diabetes | Internal | Pakistan | Ullah et al. (2019) |
Zawil | Fl | Powder blended with oil and sugar | The flowers are powdered, mixed with oil and sugar, and swallowed to cure the flu | Internal | Pakistan | Ali et al. (2019) |
Zawil | Le, Fr | Powder | The powder prepared from leaves, branches, and fruit is used to treat hepatitis and relieve chest pain | Internal/External | Pakistan | Ibrar and Hussain (2010), Singhal et al. (2016) |
T. argyrophyllum var. argyrophyllum | ||||||
Nr | Nr | Nr | Migraine, neuralgia, anorexia, and rheumatism, and as a vermifuge | Internal/External | Türkiye | Akpulat et al. (2005) |
Nalbant | R | Burnt and mixed with sulfur, gunpowder, and butter | Wound healing, scabies | External | Türkiye | Sezik et al. (1997) |
Yavşan | ||||||
T. balsamita L | ||||||
BoldoMenta romana | Nr | Nr | Hepatic and stomach problems | Internal | Argentina | Molares and Ladio (2009) |
Kalofer | Le | A vinegar-based mixture with the plant leaf | General strengthening | Nr | Bulgaria | Nedelcheva (2012) |
Shahsparam | Le | Nr | Stomach pain and bloating | Internal | Iran | Ebadi and Eftekharian (2019) |
Erba di San Pietro | Le | Cooking | Aromatize salads, omelets, and liqueurs, particularly on Easter Day. They have also been cooked with cheese, eggs, cloves, garlic, and mallow leaves | Internal | Italy (Central Italian) | Ghirardini et al. (2007) |
Erba amara | ||||||
Erbadella Madonna | ||||||
Erba amara balsamica | Le | Infusion, tisane | Bile acid deficiency, cholecystitis, dyspepsia, sedative, antispasmodic for insomnia and cough, carminative, and as a diuretic | External | Italy (Southern Italy) | Guarino (2008) |
Erba di Santa Maria | ||||||
Erba di San Pietro | ||||||
Erba menta | ||||||
Erba della Madonna “lilla” | Le | Dried leaves added in the bath | To strengthen the skin of newborns, also as a skin toner and performing (ritual) | External | Italy (Central-Eastern) | Pieroni et al. (2004) |
Nr | AP | Chewing | Oral hygiene, decorative purposes | External/Internal | Lithuania | Pranskuniene et al. (2019) |
Moteržole | Le | Infusion, cooked | Nausea, diarrhoea, and women’s disorders | Internal | Lithuania | Karpavičienė (2022) |
Balsam | Nr | Herbal tea | Lower high blood pressure, as a hypoglycemic drink, and to reduce cough symptoms | Internal | Morocco | Bouhlal et al. (2017) |
Nr | Nr | Nr | Anthelmintic | Internal | Spain | Agelet et al. (2000) |
Kaloper | Le | Tea | Female problems during the menopause, and intense migraines | Internal | Serbia | Jarić et al. (2015) |
Spice | Carminative, and as a component of individual’s diet | |||||
T. cadmeum (Boiss.) Heywood | ||||||
Nr | AP, Fr | Infusion, powder, boiled | Cold, chest pain, carminative, ulcer, and stomachache | Internal/External | Türkiye | Türker (2018) |
Tanacetum coccineum (Willd.) Grierson | ||||||
Sendel | L, Fl, St | Decoction | Sterility | Internal | Türkiye | Altundag and Ozturk (2011) |
T. cinerariifolium Sch.Bip | ||||||
Pareto | WP | Nr | The plant is used as pesticidal to manage pests and as a veterinary remedy against ticks | External | Tanzania | Qwarse et al. (2018) |
Tanacetum corymbosum (L.) Sch.Bip | ||||||
Nr | WP | Nr | Digestive disorders, gastritis, and parasitic intestinal worms | Internal | Türkiye | Altundag and Ozturk (2011) |
T. dolichophyllum (Kitam.) Kitam | ||||||
Amritdhara-ghas | Le | Pills | The leaves are formed into a tablet the size of an almond nut and taken orally with water | Internal | India | Kumar et al. (2009) |
Khampaserpo Seigmanlo | Fl α , Le β , R γ , WP δ | Nr | Intestinal worms α,β,γ , stomachache β , Indigestion β , and fever δ | Internal | India | Gairola et al. (2014) |
Lidd guggli | ||||||
Amritdhara-ghas | ||||||
T. emodi R.Khan | ||||||
Phematso | Sht | Nr | Antiseptic | Nr | India | Gairola et al. (2014) |
T. falconeri Hook.f | ||||||
Zoon | Le, Fl | Nr | Asthma and respiratory problems, flatulence, ring worms, and stomachache | Internal | Pakistan | Khan and Khatoon (2008) |
T. fruticulosum Ledeb | ||||||
Dermene shah | Le (Fresh) | Nr | Abdominal pain, stomachache, and flatulency | Internal | Iran | Safa et al. (2013) |
T. germanicopolitanum (Bornm. & Heimerl) Grierson | ||||||
Nr | Nr | Nr | Appetizing, tonic, and gynecological problems | Internal | Türkiye | Türker (2018) |
T. longifolium Wall. ex DC. | ||||||
Ban chai | R | Powder | The powdered roots suspended in milk are orally taken to alleviate stomach pain | Internal | India | Dutt et al. (2015) |
T. mucroniferum Hub.-Mor. & Grierson | ||||||
Nr | Fl | Nr | Anti-inflammatory, cold, flu, stomachache, edema, kidney problems, and insomnia | Internal | Türkiye | Türker (2018) |
Wurmkruid | Nr | Nr | Poultice for scorpion bites, stomachache, typhoid fever, infantile spasms, and influenza | External/Internal | Nr | Van Wyk and Gorelik (2017) |
Wurmbos | ||||||
Miskruid | ||||||
T. nubigenum Wall. ex DC. | ||||||
Nr | WP | Decoction | Fever | Internal | India | Chanotiya et al. (2006) |
T. parthenium (L.) Sch.Bip | ||||||
Manzanilla | Le, Fl | Infusion | Vaginal discharge, stomachache | Internal | Argentina | Kujawska and Schmeda-Hirschmann (2022) |
Altamisa casera | ||||||
Feverfew | AP | Paste | Feverish horses | Internal | Canada | Lans et al. (2006) |
Erba amara vera | Fl, WP | Decoction | The whole plant is used to alleviate menstrual pain, while the flower decoction served to treat skin ulcers and contusions | External | Italy | Guarino (2008) |
Babune gavi | Le | Decoction | Gastric ailments, sedative, fever, and nerve system relaxant | Internal | Iran | Rajaei and Mohamadi (2012) |
Mokhalaseh | Le, St | Nr | Analgesic | Internal | Iran | Basati et al. (2019) |
Santamaría | AP, Le | Infusion | Abortifacient | Internal | Mexico | Andrade-Cetto (2009) |
Babouneh gavi | Nr | Nr | Ulcerative colitis | Internal | Iran | Karimi et al. (2017) |
Botonets | FAP | Tisane | Antiseptic in cows after calving | Internal | Spain | Bonet and Vallès (2007) |
Papatya | Le, Fl | Decoction | Bronchitis, common colds | Internal | Türkiye | Karaköse (2022) |
Papatya | Fl | Tea | Stress-related disorders, sedative | Internal | Türkiye | Eruçar et al. (2022) |
Gümüşdüğme | ||||||
Moteržole | Le | Cooked with omelets | Bowel diseases | Internal | Lithuania | Karpavičienė (2022) |
T. polycephalum Sch. Bip | ||||||
Mokhalaseh | Le, St | Nr | Sedative | Nr | Iran | Abbaszadeh et al. (2019) |
Samsa | Le | Nr | Anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhoid and sting | External | Iran | Ghasemi Pirbalouti et al. (2012) |
Daramey-e Pus | AP | Decoction | The aerial part decoction is blended with that of the Thymus and Achillea and used to treat gastroenteritis | Internal | Iran | Mosaddegh et al. (2012) |
Borzhan | Ca | Decoction | Flu and cold | Internal | Iraq | Kawarty et al. (2020) |
T. pseudachillea C.Winkl | ||||||
Dastarbosh | AP | Decoction | Laxative | Internal | Uzbekistan | Khojimatov et al. (2020) |
T. sinaicum (Fresen.) Delile ex K.Bremer & Humphries | ||||||
Nr | Nr | Nr | Migraines, fevers, arthritis and bronchitis, and stomach ailments | Internal/Internal | Egypt | Hegazy et al. (2015) |
T. tatsienense var. tanacetopsis (W. W. Smith) Grierson | ||||||
Nr | WP | Nr | Rheumatism, dyspepsia (the upper abdomen pain), and blood bleeding | External/Internal | China | Cheng et al. (2022) |
T.vulgare L | ||||||
Palma-crespa | Le, Fl | Bottled | Rheumatism | External | Brazil | Tribess et al. (2015) |
Catinga-de-mulata | ||||||
Água da colônia | WP | Tea | The plant’s tea is swallowed daily against dizziness and for its calming effects | Internal | Brazil | Chagas Nogueira et al. (2016) |
Catinga-de-mulata | ||||||
Catinga demulata | Le | Headache | Nr | Brazil | Davis et al. (2021) | |
Tanaceto | Le, Fl, Sd | Nr | Anti-inflammatory and helminth infections | Internal | Brazil | Holetz et al. (2002) |
Erva dos vermes | ||||||
Tanaceto | Le, Fl (Fresh) | Infusion | The infusion of flowers suspended in milk or water or intake of a spoonful of crushed flowers with honey is used as a vermifuge, while the leaves soaked in a liqueur called arquébuse served as digestive | Internal | Italy | Danna et al. (2022) |
Fiori della Madonna | ||||||
Archebùe | ||||||
Boutòn du vers | ||||||
Nr | Le (Fresh) | Infusion | Fresh leaves soaked in alcohol were used for the digestive tract | Internal | Italy | Pieroni and Giusti (2009) |
Balssem | Le | Infusion | Diabetes, anemia, and hypercholesterolemia | Internal | Morocco | Chaachouay et al. (2019b) |
Balssem | Le | Infusion | Type 1 diabetes | Internal | Morocco | Chaachouay et al. (2019a) |
Vratič | Le, Fl | Nr | Anthelmintic (Worms and tapeworms) | Internal | Türkiye | Jarić et al. (2015) |
Tanarides | AP | Tisane | Aphrodisiac in sows | Internal | Spain | Bonet and Vallès (2007) |
Hasheshet eldood | AP | Infusion | Digestive stimulants, coughs, respiratory problems, gastritis, neurological and venereal diseases, wounds, and as a repellent of ants | Internal/External | Syria | Khatib et al. (2021) |
Nr | Fl | Nr | Food additives and preservatives | External | Russia | Shikov et al. (2017) |
T. zahlbruckneri (Nábělek) Grierson | ||||||
Nr | AP, Le | Decoction | Flu, cold, asthma, and styptic | Internal/External | Türkiye | Türker (2018) |
Abbreviations: Le, Leaves; St, Stems; AP, aerial parts; WP, whole plant; Nr, Not reported; Fl, Flowers; FAP, flowered aerial parts; Ca, Capitulum; Fr, Fruits; R, roots; Sht, Shoot; Sd, Seeds.