Fig. 5.
Effects of anti-TNFα administration on bleomycin-induced macrophage phenotype in lung tissue. Panel A: Representative dot plot for CD206 and CD11c cells 7 d and 21 d post Bleo CTL or Bleo + anti-TNFα exposure. Panel B-C: Quantification of CD206+ in CD11b+CD11c− , immature interstitial macrophages (Panel B), and CD11b+CD11c+, interstitial macrophages (Panel C), in the tissue 7 d and 21 d post Bleo + CTL or Bleo + anti-TNFα exposure. Data are represented as mean ± SD (n = 3). Panel D: Representative dot plot for Ly6C and CD11c cells 7 d and 21 d post Bleo + CTL or Bleo + anti-TNFα exposure. Panel E-F: Quantification of immature Ly6C+CD11c− (Panel E), and mature Ly6C+CD11c+ (Panel F) interstitial macrophages in the tissue 7 d and 21 d post Bleo + CTL or Bleo + anti-TNFα exposure. Data are mean ± SD (n = 3). Panel G: Lung sections, prepared 7 d and 21 d after exposure to Bleo + CTL or Bleo + anti-TNFα, were immunostained with antibody to YM-1. Binding was visualized using a Vectastain kit. Original magnification, 400×. Representative sections from 3 mice/treatment group are shown. *Significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) from other groups.