Central nervous system | Cerebral oedema ↑ |
Altered consciousness, stupor, coma Impaired cognition | |
Delirium | |
Intracranial hypertension (ICP ↑) | |
Intracranial compartment syndrome | |
Decreased cerebral perfusion pressure | |
(CPP ↓ = MAP – ICP) | |
Increased intraocular and intra-orbital | |
pressure (IOP ↑) | |
Intra-orbital compartment syndrome | |
Cardiovascular system | Myocardial oedema ↑ |
Conduction disturbance Impairment in cardiac contractility | |
Diastolic dysfunction | |
Increased central venous pressure | |
(CVP ↑ and PAOP ↑) | |
Decreased venous return | |
Decreased stroke volume and cardiac | |
output | |
Decrease in (global) ejection fraction | |
Cardio abdominal renal syndrome (CARS) | |
Myocardial depression | |
Pericardial effusion ↑ | |
Increased global end diastolic volume | |
(GEDVI ↑) | |
Increased right ventricular end diastolic | |
volume (RVEDVI ↑) | |
Respiratory system | Diffusion abnormalities Pulmonary oedema ↑ Pleural effusion ↑ |
Altered pulmonary and chest wall | |
elastance (cfr IAP ↑) | |
PaO2 ↓ PaCO2 ↑ PaO2/FiO2 ↓ | |
Extra vascular lung water (EVLWI) ↑ | |
Pulmonary vascular permeability index ↑ | |
Lung volumes ↓ (cfr IAP ↑) | |
Prolonged ventilation ↑ | |
Difficult weaning ↑ | |
Work of breathing↑ | |
Gastrointestinal system | Ascites formation ↑ Gut oedema ↑ Malabsorption ↑ |
Ileus ↑ | |
Bowel contractility ↓ | |
IAP ↑ and APP (= MAP – IAP) ↓ | |
Abdominal compartment syndrome | |
Success enteral feeding ↓ | |
Intestinal permeability ↑ | |
Bacterial translocation ↑ | |
Splanchnic microcirculatory flow ↓ | |
Decreased indocyanine green plasma | |
disappearance rate (ICG-PDR ↓) | |
Decreased gastric intramucosal pH (pHi ↓) | |
Hepatic system | Hepatic congestion ↑ |
Impaired synthetic function Cholestasis ↑ | |
Cytochrome P450 activity ↓ | |
Hepatic compartment syndrome | |
Lactate clearance ↓ | |
Renal system | Renal interstitial oedema ↑ Renal venous pressure ↑ Renal blood flow ↓ Renal interstitial pressure ↑ Renal resistive index ↑ Salt + water retention↑ Creatinine + uraemia ↑Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) ↓ Renal vascular resistance ↑ Renal compartment syndrome |
Peripheral | Tissue oedema ↑ Poor wound healing ↑ Wound infection ↑ Pressure ulcers ↑ Abdominal wall compliance ↓ |
Metabolic | Endocrine disturbances Renin angiotensin aldosterone disturbance Altered glucose metabolism CIRCI |
CARS – cardio-abdominal renal syndrome, CIRCI – critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency, CPP – cerebral perfusion pressure, CVP – central venous pressure, EVLWI – extravascular lung water index, GEDVI – global end diastolic volume index, GFR – glomerular filtration rate, IAP – intra-abdominal pressure, ICG-PDR – indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate, ICP – intracranial pressure, IOP – intra-ocular pressure, MAP – mean arterial pressure, PaCO2 – partial pressure of carbon dioxide, PaO2 – partial pressure of oxygen, PaO2/FiO2 – oxygen arterial pressure/inspired fraction of oxygen, PAOP – pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, pHi – power of hydrogen, RVEDVI – right ventricular end diastolic volume.