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. 2021 Apr 13;53(2):162–178. doi: 10.5114/ait.2021.105252


Grading table for assessment of Venous congestion with point-of)-care ultrasound VEXUS = venous congestion assessment with ultrasound (adapted with permission from Rola P. et al book “Bedside Ultrasound: a primer for clinical integration” [129])

Parameter Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
IVC < 5 mm with respiratory variation 5–9 mm with respiratory variation 10–19 mm with respiratory variation > 20 mm with respiratory variation 20 mm with minimal or no respiratory variation
Hepatic vein normal S > D S < D with antegrade S S flat or inverted or biphasic trace
Portal vein < 0.3 pulsatility index 0.3–0.49 pulsatility index 0.5–1.0 pulsatility index
Renal Doppler Continuous monophasic/ pulsatile flow Discontinuous biphasic flow Discontinuous monophasic flow (diastole only)
VEXUS score IVC grade < 3, HV grade 0,
PV grade 0
(RV grade 0)
IVC grade 4, but normal
HV/PV/RV patterns
IVC grade 4 with mild flow pattern abnormalities in 2
or more of the following HV/PV/RV
IVC grade 4 with severe flow pattern abnormalities
in 2 or more of the following HV/PV/RV

IVC – inferior vena cava, HV – hepatic vein, RV – renal vein, PV – portal vein.