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. 2023 Apr 2;101:skad099. doi: 10.1093/jas/skad099

Table 6.

A descriptive summary of each relevant study (n = 8) that was included in the qualitative synthesis (could not be included in the MA) for daily and total milk yield.

Reference Country Study population (breed/ sample size) Temperament
Outcome parameter
Breuer et al. (2000) Australia Holstein Friesian/ 100-200 Reactivity in scores in the milking parlor, steps, and
Total milk yield
Rousing et al. (2004) Denmark Holstein Friesian/ 1.196 Steps, kicks, and other Daily milk yield/
Bertenshaw et al. (2008) United Kingdom Holstein Friesian/ 148 Steps and kicks Daily milk yield
Szentléleki et al. (2008) Hungary Holstein Friesian/ 17 Reactivity in scores in the milking parlour Daily milk yield
Dodzi and Muchenje (2011) South Africa Holstein Friesian/ 7, Jersey/ 7, and crossbred/ 7 Steps, kicks, FD, and FS1 Total milk yield
Sutherland and Dowling (2014) New Zealand Holstein Friesian/ 150 FSK, FD1 Total milk yield
Hedlund and L¢vlie (2015) Sweden Holstein Friesian/ 29, and Swedish Red and White cattle/ 27 Steps, kicks, and NOT Daily milk yield
Cerqueira et al. (2017) Portugal Holstein Friesian/ 2.903 Steps, and kicks Total milk yield

1FD: Flight distance; FS: Flight speed; FSK: Score based on the performance of flinching, stepping, or kicking during milking; NOT: Novel object test.