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. 2023 May 4;2023(5):CD013798. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013798.pub2
Trial Risk of bias
Randomisation process Deviations from intended interventions Missing outcome data Measurement of the outcome Selection of the reported results Overall
Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Total trial population
(combined all risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive Response Technology was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Low risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 3 participants randomised to the experimental arm and 8 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was appropriate. Low risk of bias 1.7% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias Adverse events (AEs) were reported by the participants and the investigator was responsible for detecting, documenting and reporting events. Both
were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement.
Low risk of bias A study protocol with SAP available. Safety analysis was pre‐specified in the protocol and SAP. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention.
Comparison 1 (LEN+PEM vs. SUN)
Total trial population
(all combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice and web response system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 3 participants randomised to the experimental arm and 17 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was not appropriate (as‐treated). Low risk of bias 2.8% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias AEs were most likely reported by the participants and assessed by the investigator. Both
were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement.
Low risk of bias A study protocol with SAP available. Safety analysis was pre‐specified in the protocol and SAP. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to inappropriate method of analysis and the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention.
Comparison 2 (LEN+EVE vs. SUN)
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice and web response system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 2 participants randomised to the experimental arm and 17 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was not appropriate (as‐treated). Low risk of bias 2.7% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias AEs were most likely reported by the participants and assessed by the investigator. Both
were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement.
Low risk of bias A study protocol with SAP available. Safety analysis was pre‐specified in the protocol and SAP. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to inappropriate method of analysis and the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention.
Comparison 1 (TEM vs. IFN)
Total trial population
(only intermediate and poor risk groups included in the trial)
Some concerns Participants were randomised, but no information provided about the allocation concealment. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 1 participant randomised to the single‐drug arm and 7 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis (as‐treated is indicated). Low risk of bias 1.9% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (NCICTC), version 3. Measurement of AEs could have differed between intervention groups due to differences in number of visits to the healthcare provider. AEs were assessed by the participants who
were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement.
Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about allocation concealment, method of analysis and method of outcome measurement; probable differences in outcome measurement between intervention arms; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
comparison 2
Comparison 2 (IFN+TEM vs. IFN)
Total trial population
(only intermediate and poor risk groups included in the trial)
Some concerns Participants were randomised, but no information provided about the allocation concealment. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 2 participants randomised to the combination arm and 7 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis (as‐treated is indicated). Low risk of bias 2.2% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 3. AEs were assessed by the participants who
were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement.
Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about allocation concealment, method of analysis and method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(only favourable and intermediate risk groups included in the trial)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice response service was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was double‐blind: both participants and those delivering the intervention were not aware of assigned interventions. No information provided about the method of analysis. Low risk of bias Only 3 randomised did not have outcome data and 1 from the control group was lost to follow‐up. Some concerns No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 3. Outcome assessors were not aware of the assigned intervention. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk due to lack of information about method of analysis and method of outcome measurement; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice randomisation system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 3 participants randomised to the experimental arm did not receive any treatment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis. Low risk of bias 3% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 3. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about method of analysis and method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention;
missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(only intermediate and poor risk groups included in the trial)
Low risk of bias Randomisation was performed centrally. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 1 participant randomised to the experimental arm and 6 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis. Low risk of bias 4.5% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 4. AEs were assessed by the participants and the investigator. Both were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns Study protocol available with some statistical considerations briefly described, but no separate SAP available to fully check the pre‐planned analyses. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about method of analysis and method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing SAP.
Comparison 1 (ATE vs. SUN)
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice/web response system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Low risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 1 participant randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis, but data for crossed‐over participants were reported separately. We assume participants were analyzed as randomised in period 1. Low risk of bias 0.3% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are very low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No information provided about method of measuring AEs. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Comparison 2 (ATE+BEV vs. SUN)
Total trial population (combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice/web response system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Low risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 1 participant randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis, but data for crossed‐over participants were reported separately. We assume participants were analyzed as randomised in period 1. Low risk of bias 0.3% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are very low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No information provided about method of measuring AEs. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice response system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Low risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 8 participants randomised to the experimental arm and 5 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was appropriate. Low risk of bias 1.5% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 4.03. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns Study protocol and SAP available. However, the exact time point of outcome measurement is unclear. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about method and time point of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Some concerns Participants were randomised in a 1:1 ratio, but no information provided about who conducted the randomisation and whether the allocation was concealed. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 1 participant randomised to the experimental arm and 2 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment; 1 participant randomised to the experimental arm had no post baseline safety assessment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis. Low risk of bias 1.1% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 3. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about randomiz
sation process, allocation concealment, method of analysis and method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice response system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Some concerns The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 3 participants randomised to the experimental arm and 5 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was not appropriate (as‐treated), but this probably did not have an effect on the outcome as there is evidence that participants actually received the assigned intervention. Low risk of bias Less than 1% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are small and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias AEs were most likely reported by the participants. The investigator and site staff were responsible for detecting, documenting and reporting events. All
were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement.
Low risk of bias CSR and study protocol with SAP available. Safety analysis was pre‐specified in the protocol and SAP. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to inappropriate method of analysis and the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Randomisation was performed centrally. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Low risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 5 participants randomised to the experimental arm and 7 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis, but data for first period reported separately. We assume participants in first period received their allocated intervention. Low risk of bias 3.3% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 3. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about the method of outcome measurement; outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Some concerns Participants were randomised in a 1:1 ratio, but no information provided about who conducted the randomisation and whether the allocation was concealed. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Low risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 6 participants randomised to the experimental arm and 5 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was appropriate. Low risk of bias 2.9% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 4.03. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about randomistion process, allocation concealment and method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice and web response system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 3 participants randomised to the experimental arm and 15 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. Conflicting information about method of analysis in the protocol. Low risk of bias 2% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias Adverse events were reported by the participants and/or study personnel was responsible for detecting, documenting and reporting events. Both
were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement.
Low risk of bias A study protocol with SAP available. Safety analysis was pre‐specified in the protocol and SAP. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to conflicting information about method of analysis; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias A centralized registration system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Low risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 3 participants randomised to the experimental arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was appropriate. Low risk of bias 1% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice response system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 1 participant randomised to the experimental arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was not appropriate (as‐treated). Low risk of bias 0.2% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are very low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias Measurement of AEs could have differed between intervention groups due to differences in number of visits to the healthcare provider. AEs were assessed by the participants and the investigator. Both were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No SAP available. Study protocol available, but unclear whether it was finalized before unblinded outcome data were available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to inappropriate method of analysis; probable differences in outcome measurement between intervention arms; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice recognition system was used for randomisation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was double‐blind: both participants and those delivering the intervention were not aware of assigned interventions. Only 2 participants from the control arm and 6 participants from the intervention arm did not receive any treatment. The method of analysis was not appropriate (as‐treated). Low risk of bias 1.2% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. Low risk of bias Outcome assessors were not aware of the assigned intervention. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to inappropriate method of analysis; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Participants were randomised in a 1:1 ratio. Allocation was probably controlled by an external unit. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomszation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. No information provided about the method of analysis. Low risk of bias We assume all participants received the intended interventions. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 3. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about method of analysis and method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Participants were randomised in a 1:1 ratio. Randomisation was done under allocation concealment. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. High risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned intervention.
Only 1 participant withdrew after consent, but before randomisation and before study drug was assigned. No precise information provided about the method of analysis.
Low risk of bias All 108 participants were evaluable. High risk of bias No precise information provided about method of measuring AEs. However, AEs were defined according to NCICTC, version 4. Outcome assessors were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement. Some concerns No study protocol or SAP available. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to lack of information about method of analysis and method of outcome measurement; the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing study protocol and SAP.
Total trial population
(combined risk groups)
Low risk of bias Interactive voice response system was used for randomsation. There were no baseline imbalances that would suggest a problem with randomisation. Low risk of bias The study was open‐label: both participants and those delivering the intervention were aware of assigned interventions. Only 2 participants randomised to the control arm did not receive any treatment. No precise information provided about the method of analysis, but data for crossed‐over participants were reported separately. We assume participants were analyzed as randomised in period 1. Low risk of bias Less than 1% did not receive the intended interventions and therefore did not have outcome data. However, these numbers are low and probably did not have an effect on the outcome. High risk of bias AEs were assessed by the participants who
were aware of the assigned intervention. Knowledge of intervention received could have affected outcome measurement.
Some concerns Study protocol available with some statistical methods described, but no separate SAP available to fully check the pre‐planned analyses. High risk of bias Overall judged high risk of bias due to the outcome assessors’ awareness of assigned intervention; missing SAP.