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. 2023 May 4;2023(5):CD013798. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013798.pub2


Study characteristics
Methods Study name:
Study design: randomised, parallel assignment, phase II (three‐arm trial)
Blinding: none, open‐label
Study dates: June, 2005 ‐ August, 2013
Date of data cut‐off: not reported
Location: 1 country (USA), type of centre: cancer centre (1 study location)
Cross‐over study or cross over permitted: not per design; not reported whether cross over was permitted at some point (e.g. upon progression)
Participants Inclusion criteria:
  • participants with histologically or cytologically confirmed metastatic clear cell RCC

  • 18 years and older

  • participants must have measurable disease, defined as a lesion that can be accurately measured in at least one dimension (longest diameter to be recorded) and measures >= 20 mm with conventional techniques or >= 10 mm with spiral CT scan

  • ECOG performance status =< 1

Exclusion criteria:
  • no prior malignancy is allowed, except for non‐melanoma skin cancer, in situ carcinoma of any site, or other cancers for which the patient has been adequately treated and disease free for 5 years

  • participants must not have received any systemic anticancer therapy for renal cell carcinoma; participants must not have received any radiotherapy for renal cell carcinoma within 4 weeks prior to entering the study or those who have not recovered from adverse events due to agents administered more than 4 weeks earlier

  • participants must not be scheduled to receive another experimental drug while on this study; participants are permitted to be on concomitant bisphosphonates

  • participants must not have a primary brain tumour, any brain metastases, leptomeningeal disease, seizure disorders not controlled with standard medical therapy, or history of stroke

More inclusion and exclusion criteria on
Sample size: N = 80
Age (median in years (range)): experimental arm: 60.7 (43‐81), control arm: 62.4 (45‐83)
Sex (m/f): experimental arm: 29/11, control arm: 32/8
Prognostic factors:
  • ECOG PS, n

    • 0

      • experimental arm: 25, control arm: 25

    • 1

      • experimental arm: 15, control arm: 15

  • MSKCC score, n

    • Low

      • experimental arm: 20, control arm: 21

    • Intermediate

      • experimental arm: 18, control arm: 19

    • Poor

      • experimental arm: 2, control arm: 0

  • Previous nephrectomy, n

    • Yes

      • experimental arm: 39, control arm: 40

Interventions Experimental arm: sorafenib (400 mg, oral, twice/day)
Control arm: sorafenib (400 mg, oral, twice/day) and recombinant interferon alfa‐2b (0.5 MIU, subcutaneous injection, twice/day)
Outcomes Primary outcome(s)

Secondary outcome(s)
  • Selected grade 3‐4 AEs

    • Time frame: up to 12 months of treatment

  • PFS

    • Time frame: from date of randomisation until the date of first documented progression or date of death from any cause, whichever came first, assessed up to 36 months

  • Median OS

    • Time frame: from the start of protocol therapy to death or date of last follow‐up, up to 36 months

Relevant to this review but not reported: QoL, TFST, number of participants who discontinued treatment due to an AE
Other outcomes (not relevant to this review): ORR, DoR
Notes Funding sources: National Cancer Institute (NCI), M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Declarations of Interests: not found
Clinical study report available: no
Study protocol available: no
Statistical analysis plan available: no