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. 2023 May 4;2023(5):CD013798. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013798.pub2


Methods Study type: interventional, randomised, parallel assignment, phase II
Blinding: no, open‐label
Accrual period: August 20, 2012 ‐ April 30, 2017
Cross‐over study: no
Status: completed (as of January 3, 2019)
Participants Estimated enrolment: N =55
Risk groups: no information
Inclusion criteria:
  • participants must have histologically or cytologically confirmed papillary histology renal cell carcinoma which is metastatic, or locally advanced and unresectable; mixed histologies will be allowed provided that they contain >= 50% of the papillary component

  • participants must have measurable disease, defined as at least one lesion that can be accurately measured in at least one dimension

  • participants with metastatic disease who have a resectable primary tumour and are deemed a surgical candidate may have undergone resection

  • participants with a history of brain metastases who are asymptomatic and have not received steroid therapy in the 14 days prior to registration are eligible; anti‐seizure medications are allowed provided they are non‐enzyme inducing

  • participants may have received up to one prior systemic therapy for advanced or metastatic renal cell carcinoma; participants must not have received a MET inhibitor or erlotinib as prior therapy; at least 21 days must have elapsed since completion of prior systemic therapy, 42 days for nitrosourea or mitomycin C; participants must have recovered from all associated toxicities at the time of registration

  • participants may have received prior radiation therapy, but must have measurable disease outside the radiation port; at least 21 days must have elapsed since completion of prior radiation therapy; participants must have recovered from all associated toxicities at the time of registration

  • participants must not be receiving or planning to receive any other investigational agents

More inclusion criteria on
Exclusion criteria: not reported
Sample size: N = 55, 50 participants were analysed
Age, median (years, range): experimental arm: 63.6 (22.8‐81.9), control arm: 62.1 (20.3 ‐ 76.1)
Sex (m/f, (%)): experimental arm: 15/10 (60/40), control arm: 19/6 (76/24)
Prognostic factors:
  • Previous nephrectomy, n(%)

  • Yes

  • experimental arm: 18 (72), control arm: 21 (84)

Interventions Experimental arm (n = 25): tivantinib orally twice daily and erlotinib hydrochloride orally once daily on days 1‐28
Control arm (n = 25): tivantinib orally twice daily on days 1‐28
Outcomes Primary outcome(s)

Secondary outcome(s)
  • Frequency and severity of toxicities, graded by the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events Version 4.0 (time frame: up to 3 years)

  • PFS (time frame: 30 months)

Relevant to this review but not listed on OS, TFST, QoL, number of participants who discontinued treatment
Other outcomes (not relevant to this review): response rate
Notes Previous therapy: participants may have received prior therapy (see inclusion criteria). Awaiting results to check whether results for treatment‐naive participants are reported separately.