Figure 3.
Bronchoscopy shows hypertrophic mucosal erosion in the anterior segment of the left lower lobe with histopathological findings suggestive of necrosis and granuloma formation. (A, B, D, and E) No significant abnormalities were seen in the left upper lobe, left lower lobe, right upper lobe, and right middle and lower lobe. (C) Limited elevation of the mucosa of the bronchial opening in the anterior basal segment of the left lower lobe with an uneven surface (arrow), swiped over here for examination. (F) HE staining (left lower lobe bronchial lesion) Microscopically, fibrous connective tissue hyperplasia with numerous chronic inflammatory changes, histiocytosis, localized necrosis, granuloma formation and multinucleated giant cells were seen in the lung tissue (F), and occasional multinucleated giant cells (shown by arrow in F). F: ×200.