Fig 2. Hybrid model with shared spatial filters.
a,b. Schemata of SI model (a) and EC model (b) from [39]. The SI model branch consists of spatial and temporal convolutional layers, a fully connected (FC) layer and a nonlinear layer (see Methods). The EC model branch is a convolutional autoencoder, consisting of an encoder and a decoder network. In the hybrid model, the two branches were trained in parallel with shared spatial filters (all spatial filters were shared; red). InputSI: 8-frame UV-green noise (t1 … t8); OutputSI: predicted GCL cell Ca2+ responses; InputEC: UV-green natural images; OutputEC: reconstructed InputEC. c. Example for the different inputs (natural images, phase-scrambled natural images, and noise) for the EC branch in hybrid models (hybrid-natural, hybrid-pha-scr, hybrid-noise). d. Using PCA filters as basis vectors for spatial convolutional filters of the SI model; SI-PCA learned 16 weight vectors () with same vector length as the number of PCA basis elements.