a. Recorded (gray) and predicted (black, SI; red, hybrid-natural) responses to natural movie, RFs, as well as exemplary spatial filters for the SI model trained by full training data. b. Same as (a), but for the SI model trained by 23% of training data. c. Same as (a), but for the hybrid-natural model trained by 23% of training data. d. Predictive performance (top) based on test data for SI and hybrid-natural (w = 0.4; n = 10 random seeds) with different training data sizes, and the difference between SI and hybrid-natural (bottom). e. R-squared (top) of fitting a 2D Gaussian to spatial filters for UV stimulus channel for SI and hybrid-natural (w = 0.4; n = 10 random seeds) with different training data sizes, and the difference between SI and hybrid-natural (bottom). Error bars in (d),(e) represent 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles with bootstrapping.