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. 2022 Jun 7;14(3):311–321. doi: 10.1007/s12975-022-01040-5

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics and procedural results of real-world and RCT patients

Characteristics GSR-anterior
N = 4666
N = 569
N = 717
Age, median (IQR) (years) 76 (66–83) 75 (65–82) 68 (57–76)
Female, no. (%) 2414 (51.7) 244 (43.0) 325 (45.3)
Medical history, no. (%)
  Hypertension 3585 (77.6) 450 (80.5) 380 (53.2)
  Diabetes mellitus 1032 (22.3) 116 (21.1) 95 (13.3)
  Dyslipidemia 1876 (40.6) 215 (39.1) 228 (32.8)
  Atrial fibrillation 1987 (43.1) 188 (33.8)
  Current smoking 653 (17.1) 74 (13.0) 194 (28.4)
Drug use, no. (%)
  Oral anticoagulation 982 (21.5) 88 (16.2)
  Antiplatelet agents 1429 (31.3) 202 (37.2)
Pre-stroke mRS score, median (IQR) 0 (0–1) 0 (0–1) 0 (0–0)
Baseline NIHSS score, median (IQR) 15 (10–18) 16 (7–26) 17 (14–20)
Left side, no. (%) 2414 (51.9) NA
Affected vessel, no. (%)
  M1 2818 (60.4) NA
  M2 1085 (23.3) NA
  ICA 564 (12.1) NA
  ICA-T 842 (18.0) NA
  Basilar artery NA 532 (93.5)
  Vertebral artery only NA 37 (6.5)
General anesthesia, no. (%) 2946 (65.2) 493 (89.2)
Ship to interventional center, no. (%) 1970 (42.2) 235 (41.3)
Symptom onset known, no. (%) 2830 (60.7) 345 (60.6)
Out of hour admission, no. (%) 2772 (59.4) 324 (56.9)
High volume center, no. (%) 2873 (61.6) 367 (64.5)
ASPECTS, no. (%)
  High (9–10) 2205 (52.6) NA 349 (48.7)
  Middle (6–8) 1593 (38.0) NA 301 (42.0)
  Low (0–5) 377 (9.0) NA 67 (9.3)
Intravenous alteplase treatment, no. (%) 2414 (52.0) 258 (45.6) 642 (89.5)
Symptom onset to arterial puncture, median (IQR) (min) 220 (153–334) 252 (164–399) 181 (142–237)
mTICI, no. (%)
  3 2282 (49.6) 344 (62.3)
  2b 1609 (34.9) 133 (24.1)
  0–2a 714 (15.5) 75 (13.6)

mRS modified Rankin Scale, IQR interquartile range, NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, M1/2 first/second segment of the middle cerebral artery, ICA internal carotid artery, ICA-T internal carotid artery T, ASPECTS Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score, min minutes, mTICI modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction, VB vertebrobasilar