(A) Expressing ELOVL RNAi to downregulate the fly homologue of ELOVL1 or Bezafibrate supplementation suppresses the low eclosion rate observed in Repo>ELOVL1 flies. Quantification of the percentage of expected animals per cross (n>6). (B) Glial ELOVL1 expression causes progressive climbing defects (n>24) and (C) significantly decreases lifespan (n=100 for Repo>lacZ and Repo>ELOVL1). (D) Model of the mechanisms of VLCFA leading to neurodegeneration. (E) Sphingolipid profiling in heads of dACOX1T2A mutants (n=500 per each genotype). Cer: Ceramide, Sph: Sphingsoine, dhSph: dihydro Sphingosine, Sph-1P: Sphingosine 1-phosphate, dhSph-1P: dehydro sphingosine 1-phosphate. GR: Genomic Rescue construct (F) Pathway to convert VLCFAs into S1P. (G) A decrease in the levels of CDase or SK1 but not SK2 significantly suppresses the lethality observed in Repo>ELOVL1 flies. Quantification of the percentage of expected animals per cross (n=5 per each genotype) (H) A decrease in the levels of CDase or SK1 significantly suppresses the progressive climbing defects observed in Repo>ELOVL1 flies (n>11). Statistical analyses are one-way ANOVA followed by a Tukey post hoc test. Results are mean ± s.e.m. (****p < 0.0001, ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01; n.s., not significant).