Figure 3.
Histological analyses of small bowel tumors after resection (January 2021). (A) The tumor cells are polygonal, with a cytoplasm, eosinophilic, nuclear polygonal and without any obvious adenoid structure (hematoxylin and eosin staining; magnification, ×100; scale bar, 200 µm). (B) Tumor cells had positive staining for CK7 (IHC staining; magnification, ×200, scale bar, 100 µm). (C) Tumor cells exhibited positive staining for thyroid transcription factor-1 (IHC staining; magnification, ×200; scale bar, 100 µm). (D) Tumor cells had negative staining for CK20 (IHC staining; magnification, ×200; scale bar, 100 µm). (E) The tumor cells had a Ki-67 labeling index of 60% (IHC staining; scale bar, 400 µm). CK, cytokeratin; IHC, immunohistochemical.