Table 3.
Pt. no. /Age/Sex | Cause of bleeding | Comorbidities | Embolized arteries | Additional treatment | Clinical course |
1/64 /M | Percutaneous drainage tube placement for abdominal abscess | Gastric cancer, pancreatitis | Seven arteriesa | No | Died due toliver failure 10 days later. |
2/69 /F | Percutaneous aspiration for pericardial fluid | Myelodysplastic syndrome | Internal thoracic artery | Thoracotomy for removal of hematoma and hemostasis on the same day | Transferred to a rehabilitation hospital 45 days later. |
3/78 /M | Arterial injury during endovascular intervention | Post-TEVAR due to aortic pseudoaneurysm | Costocervical trunk, internal thoracic artery | Second TAE, 1 day later because of decrease of blood pressure and progression of anemia. | Discharged home 20 days after embolization. |
4/81 /M | Antithrombotic drug | Angina pectoris, chronic kidney disease | Lateral thoracic artery | Thoracotomy for hematoma removal because of respiratory deterioration and hematoma enlargement 2 days later | Died due to acute respiratory distress syndrome 25 days after embolization. |
5/89 /M | Thoracic aortic aneurysm ruptureb | Chronic kidney disease | Eight arteriesc | No | Died due to disseminated intravascular coagulation 20 days later. |
F: female, M: male, TAE: transcatheter arterial embolization, TEVAR: thoracic endovascular aortic repair
Inferior epigastric, internal thoracic, 10–12th intercostal, and superficial and deep circumflex iliac arteries.
This patient presented with a ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm. Contrast media extravasation into the pleural cavity around the right pulmonary apex was observed. The association between the hemorrhage and aortic aneurysm rupture remains uncertain. After emergency endovascular aneurysm repair, embolization was performed.
Dorsal scapular, superior cervical, thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic, thoracodorsal, and scapular circumflex arteries and thyrocervical and costocervical trunks.