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. 2023 May 4;2023(5):CD013854. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013854.pub2

5. Secondary outcome data.

Study ID Number of episodes accessing health care (outpatient, remote or inpatient) Change in disease activity Change in quality of life Medication adherence Patient knowledge and/or skill Total adverse effects (serious and minor) Withdrawals due to adverse events
Berding 2017 NR NR NR NR Self‐reported using a 5‐point Likert scale (high score = better result)
Mean (SD):
Medical knowledge:
At 2 weeks: 4.23 (0.48)
At 3 months: 4.05 (0.41)
At 2 weeks: 3.44 (0.65)
At 3 months: 3.42 (0.71)
Psychological knowledge
2 weeks: 3.81 (0.72)
At 3 months:
3.65 (0.67)
2 weeks: 2.99 (0.70)
At 3 months: 2.98 (0.74)
Borgaonkar 2002 NR NR Mean (SD)
IG: −0.17 (0.49);
CG: 0.28 (0.62)
(high score = better result)
IG: −0.05 (0.28)
CG: −0.01 (0.25) (low score = better result)
Cross 2019 Hospitalisations, surgery, emergency department and office visits, procedures, intravenous therapeutics, and telephone and electronic encounters for one year before and after randomisation were extracted from participants' electronic medical records.
Total encounters are reported as rates, adjusted for 100 participants per year
IG1 (TELE‐IBD EOW): 2235
IG2 (TELE‐IBD W): 1935
CG: 2099
IBD‐related hospitalisations
IG1 (TELE‐IBD EOW): 14.4
IG2 (TELE‐IBD W): 9.8
CG: 16.4
Non‐IBD‐related hospitalisations
IG2 (TELE‐IBD W): 2.7
CG: 11.2
Non‐invasive diagnostic tests
IG2 (TELE‐IBD W): 86.6
CG: 112.9
Electronic encounters
IG2 (TELE‐IBD W): 238.4
CG: 250.9
Telephone encounters
IG1 (TELE‐IBD EOW): 988.3
IG2 (TELE‐IBD W): 953.6
CG: 900.9
NR NR NR Because participants without a completed CCKNOW survey at baseline and 12 months were excluded, the authors assessed a total of 219 patients for this outcome. When analysing only the 219 patients with CCKNOW scores at baseline and the 12‐month visit, there were significant differences in age, race and disease activity among the arms.
CCKNOW mean difference from baseline (mean, SD) (positive numbers = improvement)
IG1 (TELE‐IBD EOW): +2.4
IG2 (TELE‐IBD W): +2.0
CG: +1.8
SDs requested but not provided
NR IG1 (TELE‐IBD EOW): 1 (breast cancer)
IG2 (TELE‐IBD W): 2 (needed surgery)
CG: 0
(Information provided in author correspondence)
De Jong 2017 Mean number of hospital admissions (SD): IG: 0.05 (0.28) CG: 0.10 (0.43)
Mean number of emergency visits (SD):
IG: 0.07 (0.35)
CG: 0.10 (0.54)
NR NR Medication adherence measured using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale
At 12 months: IG: (n = 340) with mean (SD) 7.01 (1.40); CG: (n = 331) with mean (SD) 6.77 (1.61)
Self‐reported knowledge of IBD measured on a visual analogue scale (0–10; higher score indicates better knowledge)
At 12 months, mean (SD):
Knowledge of IBD:
IG:8.17 (1.16)
CG: 7.84 (1.47)
Knowledge of medication:
IG: 7.75 (1.58)
CG: 7.58 (1.51)
No adverse events related to use of the telemedicine intervention occurred No adverse events related to use of the telemedicine intervention occurred
Jaghult 2007 NR NR NR NR NR 0 (information provided by the authors) 0 (information provided by the authors)
Kennedy 2002 Mean (SD) number of kept hospital appointments:
IG: 1.9 (2.2)
CG: 3.0 (2.5)
Reported number of participants who did not attend appointments:
IG 8% of 274 = 22, + 5 withdrawals
CG 12.1% of 364 = 44, + 38 withdrawals
Number of hospital appointments ICC: 0.109
Moreau 2021 Mentioned as an outcome but no data reported, only that no significant difference was noted. NR NR Measured using the adherence score which evaluated treatment observance
Odds ratio (95% CI)
1.05 (0.91–1.21)
Measured on the ECIPE score. An improvement in patients' skills
was defined by an increase of the ECIPE score of more than 20%, from baseline to 6 months.
IG (n = 61): 45.9%
CG (n = 31): 25%
Per protocol ECIPE scores, median (range)
CG (n = 129): 19 (14‐23)
IG (n = 132): 19 (15‐24)
6 months:
CG (n = 117): 20 (16‐25)
IG (n = 105): 26 (22‐30)
Nikolaus 2017 NR NR NR Non‐adherence rate measured using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS):
IG: 52.4% of 126 = 66 participants
CG: 52.5% of 122 = 64 participants
Oxelmark 2007 NR NR NR NR NR 0 (information provided by the authors) 0 (information provided by the authors)
Uran 2019 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
Vaz 2019 NR NR NR Adherence was calculated by averaging adherence rates (actual number of openings recorded with the MedMinder system divided by expected number of openings based on prescribed regimen) for each adherence period (i.e. 4‐week run in and 4‐week post‐randomisation) for the IG and CG
Difference in average adherence rates (pre‐ and post‐randomisation):
Mean (SD)
IG: 0.36 (10.28)
CG: −15.3 (25.34)
Measured using the IBD Knowledge Inventory Device (IBD‐KID)
Baseline total scores
CG: 12.25 (3.30)
IG: 11.40 (2.19)
NR at 4 weeks
Mean (SD) rank scores at baseline
Gastro‐intestinal anatomy:
IG: 1.00 (0.71)
CG: 1.5 (0.58)
General IBD knowledge:
IG: 8.00 (2.12)
CG: 7.75 (2.1)
IG: 1.4 (0.55)
CG: 2.5 (0.58)
IG: 1.00 (1.00)
CG: 0.50 (1.00)
Mean rank scores at 4 weeks
GI anatomy:
IG: 5.8
CG: 4.0
General IBD knowledge (SD not available):
IG: 5.6
CG: 4.3
IG: 6.1
CG: 3.6
IG: 4.2
CG: 6.0
0 (information provided by the authors) 0 (information provided by the authors)
Walkiewicz 2011 NR NR NR NR Knowledge was assessed using a modified version of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) Knowledge Score (I‐M‐AWARE)
The mean pre‐intervention score was 48.7% (range 13.4% to 82.4%). Post‐intervention the mean score on the assessment was 55.6% (range 35.0% to 95.6%). Not reported per intervention group. (High score = better result)
Scores for groups NR.
Waters 2005 Rate of health care use measured at 8 weeks post‐education
IG: M = 0.63
CG: M = 0.95
No variance reported
NR NR Medication adherence was assessed by three methods: survey at baseline; a set of questions on the Patient Satisfaction
Questionnaire; and participant self‐report
166 incidents of missed medications with a mean of 2.31 incidents per participant were reported.
Mean number of missed medication during the study:
IG: 0.91
CG: 3.43
IG rate of non‐adherence:
Immediately after intervention: median = 0.32
8 weeks after intervention: median = 0.25
Mean (SD)
T2 = Immediately post‐education
T3 = 8 weeks post education
Knowledge Questionnaire
T1: 17.13 (7.00)
T2:27.77 (3.23)
T3: 27.19 (3.03)
T1: 17.24 (5.81)
T2: 20.84 (6.34)
T3: 21.47 (6.81)
T1: 11.58 (5.64)
T2:19.29 (3.30)
T3: 19.52 (2.55)
T1: 9.79 (4.94)
T2:13.34 (5.66)
T3:13.84 (4.86)
Perceived knowledge (no values given, approximation from figure)
IG: 5.5
T2: 7.8
T3: 7.6
CG: 5.5
T2: 6
T3: 6.2
Weizman 2021 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR

CCKNOW: Chron's and Colitis Knowledge questionnaire; CG: control group; ECIPE: Étude randomisée et contrôlée évaluant l'impact du programme d'éducation; HBI: Harvey‐Bradshaw Index for Crohn's disease; HRQoL: health‐related quality of life; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; IBDQ: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire; ICC: intraclass correlation coefficient IG: intervention group; QuICC: Quality Index in Crohn’s and Colitis; NR: not reported; SCCAI: Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index; SD: standard deviation; TELE‐IBD W: group that received a telemedicine message every week; TELE‐IBD EOW: group that received a telemedicine message every other week; UC: ulcerative colitis