Figure 1. YAP expression is spatiotemporally regulated.
(A). YAP was expressed in both cushion mesenchyme and endothelium (triangles) at E11.5. (B). YAP is intensively expressed in VICs (white circles) at E14.5 but seldom detected in VECs (dashed arrows). (C). YAP expression remains in VICs on the tip regions and in VECs on the fibrosa side at E17.5 (solid arrows), while disappears in VECs on the ventricularis or ventricularis (dashed arrows) (D) Intensity ratios of nuclear vs. cytoplasmic YAP expressions in VECs and VICs of AV and SL valves at different stages. Data are presented by mean ± SEM, n=6 sections from three embryos, *p<0.05, two-way ANOVA tests. OFTC, outflow tract cushion; AVC, atrioventricular cushion; I, inferior cushion; S, superior cushion; D, distal cushion; P, proximal cushion; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; IVS, interventricular septum; V, ventricularis; A, atrialis; F, fibrosa.