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. 2023 Mar 29;38(5):545–557. doi: 10.1007/s10654-023-00979-5

Table 1.

Baseline and tumor characteristics of the breast cancer survivors

All women N = 13,624
Demographic and lifestyle factors N(%)
Highest school level
None/primary school completed 3400 (26.2)
Technical/professional school 3121 (24.1)
Secondary school 3255 (25.1)
Longer education (including university degree) 3196 (24.6)
Smoking status and intensity of smoking
Never 6086 (44.7)
Current, 1–15 cig/day 1636 (12.0)
Current, 16–25 cig/day 768 (5.6)
Current, 26 + cig/day 136 (1.0)
Former, quit <  = 10 years 1086 (8.0)
Former, quit 11–20 years 1013 (7.4)
Former, quit 20 + years 1125 (8.3)
Miscellaneous 1515 (11.1)
Alcohol consumption gr/day
Non drinker 1830 (13. 6)
 > 0–3 3889 (28.8)
 > 3–12 4119 (30.5)
 > 12–24 2086 (15.5)
 > 24 1570 (11.6)
Physical activity
Inactive 2784 (20.8)
Moderately inactive 4824 (36.0)
Moderately active 3674 (27.4)
Active 2117 (15.8)
Menopausal status at diagnosis
Premenopausal 2945 (21.6)
Postmenopausal 10,679 (78.4)
Ever taken menopausal hormone therapy
No 7682 (56.4)
Yes 5449 (40.0)
Clinical and histological features of the tumor N(%)
Well differentiated 1323 ( 9.7)
Moderately differentiated 2991 (21.9)
Poorly differentiated/Undifferentiated 2549 (18.7)
Not determined 6761 (49.6)
Stage 0/I 1984 (14.6)
Stage II 1624 (11.9)
Stage III 312 ( 2.3)
Non-metastatic unknown stage1 4101 (30.1)
Stage IV (metastatic) 1814 (13.3)
Unknown 3789 (27.8)
Estrogen receptor status
Negative 1718 (12.6)
Positive 7723 (56.7)
Unknown 4183 (30.7)
Progesterone receptor status
Negative 2676 (19.6)
Positive 5183 (38.0)
Unknown 5765 (42.3)
Human epidermal receptor 2 status
Negative 3679 (27.0)
Positive 870 ( 6.4)
Unknown 9075 (66.6)

The number of missing observations for Highest school level, Smoking status and intensity of smoking, Alcohol consumption, Physical activity and Ever taken menopausal hormone therapy were 652, 259, 130, 225 and 493, respectively

1Non-metastatic unknown stage category includes all tumors without distant metastases (M0) with insufficient information on the size of the tumor (T) and regional lymph node status (N), to be classified within the specific stage I, II or III