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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Pediatr. 2022 Dec 16;256:98–104.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.12.007

Table 5.

Characteristics, management, and infant outcomes during period with and without routine CRP use in EOS

Period 1 N = 4,977 Period 2 N = 5,135 P value
Demographics and delivery characteristics
 Maternal age, y 29 (23, 33) 31 (26, 34) <0.001
 Race/ethnicity <0.001
  White/Non-Hispanic 1,555 (31.2) 1,786 (34.8)
  Black/Non-Hispanic 2,552 (51.3) 2,388 (46.5)
  Hispanic 297 (6.0) 400 (7.8)
  Asian/Other/Unknown 573 (11.5) 561 (10.9)
 Sex (male) 2,712 (54.5) 2,840 (55.3) 0.40
 Caesarean delivery 2,519 (50.6) 2,340 (45.6) <0.001
 Gestational age, wk 37 (34, 39) 37 (34, 39) 0.06
 Birth weight, g 2820 (2060, 3420) 2810 (2090, 3400) 0.99
Management in days 0–3
 Blood culture obtained 3,709 (74.5) 2,592 (50.5) <0.001
 CSF culture obtained 431 (8.7) 63 (1.2) <0.001
 CRP obtained 4,441 (89.2) 393 (7.7) <0.001
  At least one CRP ≥10 mg/L 984 (22.2) 190 (48.4) <0.001
  Infants with >2 CRP obtained 593 (13.4) 16 (4.1) <0.001
 Blood culture positive for a pathogen 23 (0.5) 15 (0.3) 0.16
  HOL blood culture obtained, h 1.0 (0.5, 2.3) 1.2 (1.0, 5.1) 0.11
  HOL antibiotics started, h 2.5 (1.6, 5.0) 2.2 (1.4, 4.5) 0.76
 CSF culture positive for a pathogen 1 (0.0) 0 0.49
 Antibiotics initiated in 0–3 days1 3,233 (65.0) 2,607 (50.8) <0.001
 Antibiotic continued for >2 d when blood/CSF cultures did not grow a pathogen2 548/3,170 (17.3) 183/2,532 (7.2) <0.001
Management in days 4–7
 Blood culture obtained 146 (2.9) 109 (2.1) 0.009
 CSF culture obtained 77 (1.6) 17 (0.3) <0.001
 CRP obtained 389 (7.8) 123 (2.4) <0.001
  At least one CRP ≥10 mg/L 79 (20.3) 46 (37.4) <0.001
  Infants with >2 CRP obtained 31 (8.0) 3 (2.4) 0.04
 Blood culture positive for a pathogen 17 (0.3) 9 (0.2) 0.10
  HOL blood culture obtained, h 138.2 (113.8, 155.0) 117.0 (105.4, 150.4) 0.40
  HOL antibiotics started3, h 130.0 (114.3, 162.4) 134.4 (90.5, 158.1) 0.37
 CSF culture positive for a pathogen 0 2 (0.0) 0.50
 New antibiotic course started in 4–7 days4 88 (1.8) 54 (1.1) 0.002
 Antibiotic continued for >2 d when blood/CSF cultures did not grow a pathogen2 18/70 (25.7) 7/46 (15.2) 0.18
 Length of stay by gestational age, d 4 (3, 15) 4 (3, 15) 0.84
  <37 wk 15 (6, 36) 15 (6, 32) 0.37
  ≥37 wk 3 (2, 4) 3 (2, 4) 0.64
 Transferred for higher level of care in ≤7 days after birth 158 (3.2) 165 (3.2) 0.91
 Deceased in ≤7 days after birth 24 (0.5) 33 (0.6) 0.28
 Deceased before discharge 38 (0.8) 44 (0.9) 0.60

Data presented as n (%) or median (Q1, Q3). Missing data – Maternal age (98); Sex (2); Gestational age (2).


More infants may have received antibiotics than infants with blood culture because some infants were born and transferred from outside centers.


The denominator includes all infants with a negative blood/CSF culture who received antibiotics in the respective time frame.


Seven infants (4 in Period 1 and 3 in Period 2) with a positive blood culture in days 4–7 had antibiotics started in days 0–3 after birth; these 7 infants were excluded from comparison of HOL antibiotics started.


New antibiotic course defined as new antibiotics started after a gap of >2 days from the stop date of previous antibiotic course.

Abbreviations – CRP, C-reactive protein; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EOS, early-onset sepsis; HOL, hour of life.