Figure 3.
Atomic force microscopy identifies higher stress induction and greater surface damage at a higher impact velocity
(A) AFM images for Salmonella in milli-Q in a sessile drop
(B) AFM images of the bacteria-laden droplet with milli-Q as the base medium at three different impact velocities in a 5 μm square area.
(C and D) (C) AFM images of the bacteria-laden droplet with milli-Q and (D) 0.6 wt % Mucin as the base medium at three different impact velocities in a 5 μm square area for PFA fixed cells.
(E) AFM images of the bacterial-laden droplet with milli-Q and (F) 0.6 wt % mucin as a base medium compared with PFA fixed bacteria at three different impact velocities along with their height profiles in 5 μm square area.
(G) Adhesion energy in nutrient-neutral (milli-Q) and nutrient-rich (0.6 wt % Mucin) base fluid medium experienced on a dried STM (WT) sessile drop.
(H) Roughness measurements presented as RMS roughness at different impact conditions for milli-Q and 0.6 wt % mucins. (P) ∗<0.05, (P) ∗∗<0.005, (P) ∗∗∗<0.0005, (P) ∗∗∗∗<0.0001, ns= non-significant, (Student’s t test-unpaired).