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. 2023 Apr 24;14:1151127. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1151127

Table 5.

Results of the multivariable linear mixed model of log of the ratio between B lymphocytes in absolute number and CD28-CD8+ T cells in absolute number measured at the time of biopsy (Rejection of all types versus normal/subnormal).

Adjusted mean
95% CI p-value
Rejection of all types vs. normal/subnormal -0.36 [-0.55; -0.16] 0.0003
Recipient age (years) 0.00 [-0.01; 0.01] 0.7902
Male recipient -0.05 [-0.22; 0.15] 0.5821
Renal transplantation 0.44 [0.10; 0.81] 0.0162
Delayed graft function -0.07 [-0.28; 0.12] 0.4845
Retransplantation -0.42 [-0.72; -0.11] 0.0084
Cold ischemia time (hours) -0.02 [-0.03; 0.00] 0.0499
Recipient/Donor CMV serology <0.0001
 1 (vs. 0) -1.37 [-1.61; -1.13]
 2 (vs. 0) -0.68 [-0.93; -0.46]
 3 (vs. 0) -1.28 [-1.56; -1.08]
Donor age (10 years) -0.01 [-0.02; 0.00] 0.0167
Male donor -0.13 [-0.31; 0.06] 0.1636
Deceased donor 0.10 [-0.24; 0.49] 0.6097
HLA-A-B-DR mismatches > 4 0.12 [-0.10; 0.34] 0.2887
Depleting induction 0.56 [0.30; 0.77] <0.0001
Cyclosporine -2.35 [-4.09; -0.61] 0.0085
Tacrolimus -1.52 [-3.27; 0.28] 0.0939
mTOR inhibitors 0.43 [-0.36; 1.20] 0.2867
Calcineurin inhibitors 3.63 [1.39; 5.92] 0.0018
Positive anti-class I immunization -0.08 [-0.26; 0.16] 0.4445
Positive anti-class II immunization 0.07 [-0.15; 0.30] 0.5346
Biopsy rank <0.0001
 2 (vs. 1) -0.31 [-0.42; -0.16]
 3 (vs. 1) -0.50 [-0.74; -0.22]
 4 (vs. 1) -1.22 [-1.95; -0.51]
 5 (vs. 1) -0.83 [-2.65; 0.97]
For causes biopsy 0.13 [-0.08; 0.29] 0.2085
Creatininemia at biopsy (100 μmol/l) 0.08 [-0.02; 0.18] 0.1030
Post-transplantation time of the biopsy (years) -0.01 [0.04; 0.03] 0.5394

CI, confidence interval; CMV, cytomegalovirus; Recipient/Donor CMV serology definition. 0, negative donor and recipient; 1, negative donor and positive recipient; 2, positive donor and negative recipient; 3, positive donor and recipient. HLA, human leucocyte antigens; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; Log, natural logarithm.