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. 2023 May 8;212:290–299. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2023.04.034

Table 4.

Political economy of COVID-19 responses.

(1) (2)
Policy stringency Policy stringency
Log number of COVID-19 cases 0.0763*** 0.101***
[0.00616] [0.0362]
Cases × democracy (Polity) -0.00776*** -0.0719***
[0.00213] [0.0218]
Cases × democracy × welfare system 0.000832**
Cases × democracy × trust in politicians 0.0182***
Observations 5155 2049
R-squared 0.889 0.950
Number of countries 83 20
Country FE
Time FE

Notes: This table presents OLS estimates from regressing the policy stringency index on the log number of COVID-19 infections interacted with the Polity index of democracy, as well as a triple interaction with measures of the generosity of the welfare state (column 1), and trust in politicians (column 2). All specifications include a time varying index of the intensity of testing policy, an interaction between infections and: i) log GDP per capita; ii) mobile phone subscriptions per hundred people; iii) a dummy equal to 1 if a country scores below the average value of an index of government accountability and transparency; and iv) a dummy equal to 1 if a country has experienced more than fifty SARS or MERS cases. Errors are clustered at the country-level. The coefficients with are significant at the 1% level, with are significant at the 5% level, and with are significant at the 10% level.