Fig. 4.
Migrasomes mediate the pathological process of diseases. A Migrasomes incorporate and deliver cytosol from surrounding damaged neurons. B Migrasomes serve as a biomarker of podocyte damage. C Platelets internalize SARS-CoV-2 and release migrasomes containing the contents of platelets, resulting in thrombosis. D Migrasomes released by pHCAECs secrete signals to guide the direction of other pHCAECs. E Migrasomes released by pre-OCs mediate the migration and fusion of other pre-OCs and subsequent OC differentiation. F Migrasomes containing PD-L1 released by tumor cells are internalized by surrounding cells, increase the expression of PD-L1 and inhibit the activity of immune cells. G Migrasomes containing CXCL12 released by neutrophils guide T cells to migrate to the influenza-infected trachea. H Migrasomes transport substantial Sod2 and serve as antithrombotic mediators. I Macrophages secrete cholesterol by migrasomes and retraction fibers. J Migrasomes generated by monocytes deliver VEGFA and CXCL12 to the area of capillary formation to provide a favorable microenvironment for angiogenesis. K Migrasomes modulated by overexpressing TSPAN4 or stimulating RPE with TGF-β play an important role in the activation of RPE and progression of PVR. L MSC-associated migrasomes containing SDF-1 attract leukemic cells to migrate and can be taken up by leukemic cells